The Burrow

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Marlene walked through the front door of the Burrow and was immediately tackled into a hug by Zac, "Are you okay

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Marlene walked through the front door of the Burrow and was immediately tackled into a hug by Zac, "Are you okay."

Hermione, Ron and Harry walked into the room, "We heard what happened." 

"Well Zac told us." Ron said 

"What happened?" Hermione asked

Marlene pulled Zac outside and the others followed as soon as Ron shut the door Marlene said, "We got shut in the same room." 

"You and Remus?" Zac asked 

"No me and the other werewolf we know obviously. The House Elf locked us in just as we were getting ready and well you can imagine how that went." Marlene said 

Zac raised an eyebrow and said, "House Elf. We don't have a..." He then knew he had to play along, "oh the little git." 

Marlene nodded, "Gash down my arm and leg. Apparently I fought back or I would have died. He would have killed me." 

"Well we're glad you're not." Harry said as he hugged Marlene 

The door then opened and Molly walked out, "Ah Marlene you're here. Got everything you need." 

Marlene nodded, "Yeah I've got everything thank you." 

"Good let's be going then." Molly said, she leaned back in the house, "Fred, George, Ginny! Let's go!" 

One by one Fred, George and Ginny left the house followed by Arthur, "Nice to see you Marlene." 

"You too." Marlene said 

As they started walking through the woods Harry asked, "What's a portkey?" 

"It's a random object that can take you somewhere else." Zac said 

Harry looked confused as he said, "Why can't we use the floo network?" 

Marlene smiled and said, "There aren't any fireplaces where we're going." 

"Where are we actually going?" Harry asked 

Ron shrugged and said, "Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" 

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