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Marlene was leaning up against a wall she looked down at her arm then back up at Zac, "You need to go

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Marlene was leaning up against a wall she looked down at her arm then back up at Zac, "You need to go." Zac shook his head, "Oh come on, why won't you be smart for once in your life."

"Because you're my best friend and I'm not leaving you when you need me." Zac said

Marlene sighed, "You know I could kill you? I don't know if I'll know what I'm doing. It might not be me. It might be the monster."

"I don't care. So do what you need to do because I'm staying." Zac said

"You need to go." Marlene said again

Zac was sitting on the ground, he shook his head, "I'm not leaving, that is going to be my answer every time you ask me to leave so just stop."

Marlene looked at him and gave him a look, "You need to go before the mere sight of you makes me want to rip your throat out. Zac please...fine, don't move at all."

Marlene looked up at the small window which had bars over it and saw the moon coming out of the clouds, "Come on then."

As soon as she saw the moon her foot snapped and she groaned, "Here we go." Marlene moved onto her hands and knees just as her arm broke. Marlene screamed as the rest of her bones started to break.


She looked up and saw Zac start to stand up, "Stay where you are!" She screamed again, "Don't move!"

As Marlene's back arched Zac shouted, "You know who you are! Don't let it beat you!"

"Oh be quiet! You really should've left!" Marlene shouted back

A few seconds later Marlene wasn't what was sitting on the ground, instead there was a wolf, "Marlene?"

The wolf looked up at Zac and growled, "Marlene? It's me. It's Zac." He slowly stood up and started to back up, "We sleep in the same bed on multiple occasions. You wear my shirts which annoys the hell out of me you don't want to eat me. Marlene? Ah god, okay uh...when we were little we had baths together because we ran out of water a lot." The wolf growled again, "'re my family, okay you. Not my brother who upped and left,'re my family Marls. We don't eat family."

The wolf stopped and sat on the ground, "There we go. This isn't weird at all."

. . . . . . .

The next morning, Marlene woke up and felt a blanket over her, "Don't worry I made sure you didn't eat any rats, I know how you said you hated them afterwards."

"I didn't eat you then that's good." Marlene said as she sat up covering herself with the blanket

Zac nodded, "Took some persuasion here..." He picked up a bag and tossed it at Marlene, "Some clothes train leaves in an hour and a half so let's get moving."

Marlene started to put the clothes on as Zac undid the chains on Marlene's feet, "Thank you...for not eating me."

"Thank you for staying." Marlene said

Zac smiled, "Anytime. Do you remember it?"

Marlene shook her head, "Not at the moment. It will come back in a few hours though, so if you were freaking out I'll know in a bit."

"I wasn't I was cool, calm and collected." Zac said

Zac helped Marlene off of the ground, "You know I actually believe that. Next time I tell you to run, you run okay? That one was tame, it's not always going to be like that okay?"

Zac nodded, "Okay. Can't tell you that I'll listen but if it makes you feel better."

Thank you for reading

SORRY FOR THE SHORT ONE. Please, let me know what you think or any ideas it really helps

I know that in the movies and the books werewolves are presented differently I KNOW THAT. Personally I am just not that skilled in writing enough to write that so I am doing it this way but yeah...Canonically I know this isn't how it goes

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