Letter to Dads

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Marlene was sitting alone in a carriage on the train with her feet on the seats writing a letter

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Marlene was sitting alone in a carriage on the train with her feet on the seats writing a letter


I'm sure that you have heard about what happened at the World Cup. I'm fine...scratch that I'm not fine. He was there I could feel it, it was like my scratches opened again it was strange.

Arthur said that the people that attacked us were Death Eaters. Makes sense with the Dark Mark in the sky. This can't be good news, can either of you tell us anything that can help? Granted there are actually two of you there.

You'll be pleased to hear that I refrained myself from punching the Malfoys. Again. Only because Zac grabbed me though.

I miss you. I know Harry does too. I've got that meeting with Dumbledore when I get to Hogwarts about whether or not to tell Zac where we live now.

Hopefully I'll see you at Christmas, if we don't die before then


Marlene looked up when she heard the door open and saw Zac walk in, "There you are. I found the others but you weren't there."

"I think Hermione is scared of me." Marlene said

Zac shook his head as he moved Marlene's legs, sat down and put her legs on his lap, "No she's not scared of you. Why do you think that?"

"She keeps checking up on me and in the tent when it happened she stood in front of Ginny. In the muggle world people like me are bad, monsters things people are scared of." Marlene said

"I'm not scared of you." Zac said

Marlene gave him a look and said, "You're different. You grew up with me with people like me. It's not an issue to you."

"She's not scared of you, I know she isn't...are you going to tell me what's got you all in a odd mood lately?" Zac asked 

Marlene nodded as she said, "I found out who my mum was." 

Zac sighed and said, "Was?" 

Marlene nodded, "Was." 

Before she could say anything else Harry walked into the carriage, "Hey, can I talk to Marlene a minute?" 

Zac nodded, "Sure I need to talk to Ron anyway. I'll see you later." he moved Marlene's legs, stood up and walked out

As Zac shut the door Harry sat down, "Are you okay? What happened in the tent?" 

"I don't know what it is but...when it all happened it felt like my scratches were brand new, they hurt just as much as they did and that usually means one thing. The wolf that turned me is in the near vicinity." Marlene said 

Harry realised what she was saying as he said, "He was there?" Marlene nodded, "Do you think he cast the mark?" 

Marlene shook her head, "He doesn't tend to carry a wand with him...hey Harry I never got to say this to you before I guess I wasn't in the right mind frame but I'm sorry." 

"For what?" Harry asked 

Marlene paused before she said, "It's partly my fault Pettigrew got away last year." 

Harry shook his head and said, "It wasn't-" 

Marlene cut him off, "It was, we caused chaos. If I knew then what I know now I would have hunted him down and...ate him, I have a habit of eating rats." 

"What do you know now?" Harry asked 

"Pettigrew...he sold your parents out, and he... he killed my mum." 

Harry's eye's widened and he said, "You found out about your mum?" 

Marlene nodded, "Yeah, she was uh...killed a year and a bit after I was born... funny my mum was best friends with yours, and our dads were best friends too." 

"Can you imagine how close we would have been if..." Harry trailed off 

Marlene nodded, "Yeah. Thank Merlin you walked into the carriage on the train, my life would be so boring." 

Harry chuckled and said, "I'm glad I did too I would still be slightly afraid of werewolves." 

"You're not anymore?" Marlene asked 

Harry shook his head, "No, no I'm not. In the muggle world werewolves are things from horror movies now I know different." 

Marlene thought about saying about Hermione but she decided against it, "Thank you." 

"I don't understand how can the ministry not know who conjured it. Isn't there any security or-" 

Marlene cut Harry off saying, "Loads, that's what worried everyone. Happened right under their noses...it's hurting again isn't is, your scar?" 

Harry shook his head, "I'm fine." 

"You don't to need to lie to me about scars Harry..." Marlene moved her arm out of her sleeve 

"Oh my god Marlene." Harry said 

Marlene nodded, "Hasn't gone down yet. I'm guessing yours hasn't either." Harry paused before he shook his head, "Sirius will want to know about it." 

Harry shook his head and said, "I don't know where to send the letter to." 

Marlene took the letter that he was holding, "Leave that to me." 

Thank you for reading 

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