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She walked through the courtyard and saw Ron walking away from Harry, "What was that?"

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She walked through the courtyard and saw Ron walking away from Harry, "What was that?"

"Should you be here?" Harry asked as he hugged her

Marlene hugged him back and said, "Probably not, but thanks to Zac it was a relatively calm one."

"Do you know what you're going to do about your dragon?" Marlene asked and Harry didn't say anything, "Oh come on Harry. Cedric is really smart. Fleur seems ridiculously calm. Krum, well...his head may be filled with sawdust but his headmaster not so much. You heard what Padfoot said, he was smart enough to be involved with my mum's murder. They're going to have a strategy you need one too." 

They walked across the courtyard and heard Draco, "Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

"I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic" Harry said

Marlene turned him around and they began to walk off, "At least he's gone off of me and the you know what tangent."

Draco tried to cast a spell but Moody appeared and quickly turned him into a ferret, "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned."

Harry and Marlene turned around and Marlene smiled when she saw what happened, McGonagall then walked over to them, "Professor Moody what are you doing?"

"Teaching." Moody said

McGonagall looked at the ferret and said, "Is that a student?"

"Technically it's a ferret."

Moody made the ferret hover around. He sent it up the trouser leg of one of Draco's friends making him squirm and everyone laughed

Moody winked in Harry and Marlene's direction and they laughed

Eventually the ferret came out and McGonagall turned Draco back to normal, "My father will hear about this!"

Moody looked amused as he said, "Is that a threat!"

Draco ran away and Moody shouted after him, "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!"

"Alastor! We never use transfiguration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that." McGonagall said

Moody nodded, "He might have mentioned it."

"Well you will do well to remember it." McGonagall said as she walked off

Moody looked at Harry, "Come with me Potter."

"See you later." Harry said as he walked off with Moody

. . . . . . . . . . .

"Morning." Marlene said as she walked into the common room and saw Zac sitting on the sofa 

He stood up and said, "You know I think I've figured out another one of my lupine tendencies." 

"Oh yeah?" Marlene asked as she sat down next to him 

Zac nodded, "Day after full moons, I'm insanely tired." 

"Welcome to my world." Marlene said 

"You look better." Zac said 

Marlene moved on the sofa and put her head on Zac's lap, "That is all down to you, I wasn't attacking myself or trying to get out. So...thank you." 

"No problem." Zac said as he put his head on the back of the sofa 

Thank you for reading 

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