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Dear Cub, 

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Dear Cub, 

I didn't have enough time to say this last night but all of this is way to suspicious. I fear we are going to have another war on our hands. 

You need to look after Harry now more than ever he needs someone on his side. 

A Potter always needs a Black on their side. 

I've sent something to your dorms it was too heavy for an owl. I know you have a ball coming up. I thought you might need it. 

It was you mothers, she would want you to have it

Stay safe, good luck this month


Marlene was sitting on her bed reading the letter, she looked at the foot of her bed and saw a parcel, just then Natalie and Tina walked in, "Opened that yet. I took it in to stop Lavender from grabbing it." Tina said 

Marlene shook her head as Natalie and Tina sat on the bed, "I haven't but I think I know what it is." 

"Oh and this came for you as well someone's popular." Natalie said as she handed Marlene another piece of parchment, "Secret boyfriend." 

"No definitely not." Marlene said as she put the parchment down and opened the parcel, 

"That's gorgeous. Remus sent you that?" Tina asked 

Marlene paused before she said, "Something like that. He thought I might want to wear it for the Yule Ball it's in a month right? It was my mums." 

"Your mum?" Tina asked 

Marlene nodded, "Yeah, learnt about that over summer. Not a fun topic." 

"That's cute though. You have to wear it. If not you have around a month to find something else." Tina said 

Marlene nodded as she stood up, "Yeah." She picked up the parchment 

Meet me outside 


"What does it say?" Tina asked 

Marlene looked confused before she realised, "It means someone's back in town. Can you-" 

Natalie cut Marlene off, "On it. Go." 

Marlene smiled as she walked out of the dorm room 

. . . . . . . .

"Charlie?" Marlene called out as she walked into the Forbidden Forest 

"Most people would have ignored my note." 

Marlene turned around and saw Charlie walking towards her, she smiled and said, "This place doesn't scare me. How have you been?" 

"Insanely busy." Charlie said as he hugged Marlene, "I thought I could get to you, I don't think I could get to Harry." 

"I thought you were in Romania." Marlene asked 

Charlie nodded, "I was. They asked me to help with the tournament. Well specifically the first task?" 

The pair walked slightly deeper into the forest and ducked down behind a bush, "You're kidding me?" Marlene said as she saw dragons breathing fire in cages, "Dragons is the first task?" 

Charlie nodded, "Yup, nasty little buggers as well, especially the Horntail. The dragons will put up a fight. The Welsh Green scratched me whilst I tried to get it into it's cage." Charlie moved his coat over his arm, "We match." 

"Only you would think that's a good thing." Marlene said

"You need to tell Harry. The others are older they have more of a chance, if he knows before hand he can plan things." Charlie said 

Marlene nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'll tell him. Thank you." 

"How's Ron?" Charlie asked as they stood up and began to walk back to the castle 

"He's being a prat. Thinks Harry put his name in on purpose." Marlene said 

Charlie sighed and said, "You're right he's a Prat."

"Dragons. That's insane though." Marlene said 

Charlie nodded, "The tasks are notoriously bad." 

Marlene scoffed, "That's not bad. It's practically suicide." 

They got to the edge of the woods and Charlie said, "He'll be fine. Tell him. Good luck tomorrow night." 

"I'm gonna need it. They've been getting worse lately." Marlene said 

Charlie gave her a sympathetic smile as he hugged her, "My expertise is dragons not werewolves. You should get going." 

"Thank you for this." 

Charlie nodded, "Anytime." 

Thank you for reading 

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