Yule Ball Part 2:

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Zac and Marlene walked into the Great Hall and saw everyone dancing, "Look Neville got it

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Zac and Marlene walked into the Great Hall and saw everyone dancing, "Look Neville got it." Zac said as he nodded over to Neville and Ginny who were dancing, "Shall we?"

"Why the hell not?" Marlene asked as Zac took her hand and the pair joined everyone else dancing

As they were dancing Marlene said, "You're staring."

"Sorry...I just...Tina was right you do look amazing." Zac said

Marlene smiled as Zac span her around, "You clean up well yourself."

"I think this is the most relaxed I've seen you in a long time." Zac said

Marlene nodded, "I'm enjoying this, and the company isn't bad either."

"You do look very...beautiful." Zac said

Marlene gave him a look, "Stop it."

"Come on let's go for a walk, I hate to ruin this but people are watching us." Zac said

Marlene looked around and she saw Zac was right, "Yeah, let's go. But in the snow?"

Zac nodded, "You can have my jacket."

"You know cold doesn't bother me, not as much as it bothers you." Marlene said as they walked towards the door

Zac took his jacket off and put it around Marlene, "It would make me feel better."

. . . . . . . . .

The pair were walking down the empty hallway when Zac said, "I think we should carry on where we left off."

Zac leaned forwards, grabbed Marlene's hand, span her around and she ended up facing him, "And what would that be?"

He put his hand on her waist, "We do better with less people around anyway."

Marlene smiled as she took his hand and put her head on his shoulder as they started to slowly dance

"Everything's going to change now isn't it?" Marlene asked

"Ah, ah not tonight. Tonight we are just normal people who don't turn into animals. All right?" Zac asked

Marlene chuckled and nodded her head, "Sounds nice."

They stopped dancing and looked up at the moon, "You know for once I would like to see it full, without being locked away."

"Who knows one day maybe you will." Zac said

Marlene smiled, "Always the optimist."

Zac nodded, "You know it."

Just then Fred and George walked over to them, "What is it?"

"Ron's kicking off at Hermione about Krum." George said

Zac looked confused as he said, "Krum? She went with Krum?"

Marlene groaned, "Oh for Merlin's sake."

"Okay. George, Fred and I will handle Ron-"

Marlene cut Zac off saying, "I'll find Hermione."

"Good plan. Let's go before something else get's destroyed." Fred said

The group began to walk down the hallway, "Ron is a bloody idiot." George said

Marlene looked at him and said, "Have you only just figured this out?"

"Oh shut up Marl." George said

. . . . . . .

Marlene walked as quickly as she could after Hermione, "Hey, Hermione. Wait up! I can't run in heels!"

Hermione turned around, "Marlene? What are you doing here? Ron better not have sent you?"

Marlene shook her head, "What no. I came to see if you're okay."

"The evening was going so well, and he had to ruin it. Harry just stood by and let him." Hermione said

Marlene sat down and said, "What happened?"

Hermione sat down next to her and said, "Viktor went to get us drinks and Ron started saying that I was fraternising with the enemy."

Marlene sighed and said, "The bloody idiot. He couldn't stop talking about him at the Game."

Hermione nodded, "I know, I'm meant to be his friend."

Marlene stood up, "Come on let's get back."

Hermione stood up when she saw Marlene put her hand on the wall, "You okay?"

A few seconds later Marlene said, "Like I said headache."

"I can...I can get back to the dorm on my own. It's fine, you should go see Madame Pomfrey." Hermione said

Marlene shook her head, "If I went to the infirmary every time something like this happened I would never leave. I'll be fine."

"All the same I can manage. Thank you." Hermione said as she walked down the hallway

. . . . . . . . .

When Marlene was walking back to the Dorm room Harry jogged up from behind her, "Hey Marl have you seen Hermione?"

Marlene nodded, "She went back to the Dorm she was pretty upset."

Harry sighed and said, "She was so happy until Ron started."

Marlene looked at him and said, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"They're always arguing." Harry said

Marlene gave him a look and said, "You are oblivious sometimes."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

"Did you ever think that they might like each other but are too scared to admit it?" Marlene asked

Harry shook his head, "Ron and Hermione? That's impossible."

"Love works in weird and wonderful ways. I'd have thought me and Zac were impossible too and he was originally going to ask me to the dance...duck." Marlene said

Harry looked confused, "What?"

Marlene pushed him down, "Duck!"

Just as she did a load of eggs flew over Harry's head, Marlene turned around and saw Peeves flying around, "Really? Peeves."

"Sorry Miss Marlene didn't realise it was you and Mr Harry." Peeves said

Marlene smiled as Harry stood up, "Who is this?"

"Harry meet Peeves. Friendly poltergeist." Marlene said

Harry nodded, "Ah right, I've heard things." Peeves then flew off, "Good senses...Zac said you went to see your mum. But your mum's-"

Marlene cut him off, "Dead?" Harry nodded, "She is. There's a painting of her here. Turns out she's been protecting me for four years and I just didn't put the pieces together."

Thank you for reading

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