Secrets out

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The next morning Harry walked down the stairs and saw Marlene sitting on the floor whilst Zac was still asleep on the sofa

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The next morning Harry walked down the stairs and saw Marlene sitting on the floor whilst Zac was still asleep on the sofa. Marlene smiled as she saw the way Harry was looking at her, "I've looked worse Harry believe me."

Harry walked over to Marlene and helped her off of the ground, "Why didn't you tell me?"

The pair started to walk down the hallway, "I wanted to keep you and everyone else safe."

"We could've helped you." Harry said

Marlene nodded and said, "Yeah I know, the less people that know the safer it is for me and you. I didn't know your view on people like me."

"You never asked...What about Sirius?" Harry asked

They walked down the stairs, "I knew. My dad sat me down, told me everything and let me make my own judgement about it. Then he told me how I was related to him, I wanted to tell you especially when you decided you were going to kill him."

"I threatened to kill your father." Harry said

Marlene laughed and nodded, "Yeah, yeah you did."

"Marls...why is everyone looking at you?" Harry asked

Marlene looked around and saw the students looking at her, "I don't know." They saw Seamus in the corridor and they walked over to him, "Seamus. What's going on?"

"You haven't heard? Professor Lupin's a werewolf." Seamus said, "Did you not know?"

Marlene and Harry looked at each before they shook their heads, "No we didn't."

Harry ran in one way and Marlene ran in another. Marlene ended up in the dungeons she walked into the Potions classroom, "Tell me you didn't."

Snape stood up, "Do what Miss Lupin?"

"Tell everyone what my dad is?" Marlene said, Snape stayed quiet, "You did didn't you? What is the matter with you!"

"Miss Lupin-"

Marlene cut Snape off, "You knew he would have to leave! That's probably what you wanted! God you are so...are you still that bitter about what happened when you were here! I get you have a problem with my dad but know that if anything bad happens because of what you've done I will not hesitate to hex you into next week"

"How much do you know?" Snape asked

"All of it. My bedtime stories were the Marauders." Marlene said

"Get out of my classroom Miss Lupin." Snape said

Marlene nodded, "Gladly." She walked out of the classroom.

. . . . . . .

In the hallway she walked into Remus, "It was Snape. Snape told people."

"What did you do?" Remus asked

Marlene looked at him and said, "May or may not now have detentions until I leave this place."

"Marlene Andromeda Lupin. That is not how we do things." Remus said

Marlene nodded, "I know. I couldn't help it. Everyone knows now and you've been fired."

Remus shook his head, "I didn't get fired. I resigned."

Marlene sat down on a bench, "Resigned why?"

"It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a someone like us teaching their children. Besides, I had a slight disagreement with Dumbledore regarding Padfoot. " Remus said

"But Dumbledore-"

Remus cut Marlene off, "Has already risked enough on my behalf. He's risked a lot even letting you into this school. Besides, people like us, well... let's just say I'm used to this by now. If I stay then the suspicion will go onto you as well."

Marlene shook her head, "It's wrong. It is so wrong."

Remus sat down next to her and said, "I know but what can we do? This is how we live."

"It shouldn't be-"

Remus cut Marlene off, "I will see you at the station. Remember to tell Zac that he needs to pack properly this time as he's not staying with us."

Marlene nodded, "Yeah I know."

"Good. Go. I'll see you soon." Remus said

Marlene hugged Remus before she stood up and walked off a few minutes later Harry came up beside Marlene, "Did you talk to him? Is he staying?"

Marlene shook her head, "He can't. It''s how people like us live. People don't like it, don't trust us and definitely don't want us teaching kids."

"It's wrong."

Marlene nodded, "That's what I said."

"Can't Dumbledore-"

Marlene cut Harry off, "Also what I said. Look everything you've thought of so have I."

The pair sat down on the wall where there were new students walking around, "I grew up on stories about our dads so if you want to know anything and no one else is around. I am pretty well informed."

"Really?" Harry asked

Marlene nodded, "Your Godfather is my dad. That makes us family. Be it cousin, sister, crazy friend." Harry chuckled, "Family all the same."

Harry smiled as he put his arm around Marlene, "I like the idea of sister."

"I was hoping you'd say that." Marlene said

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You've been a werewolf for how long?" Harry asked

Marlene paused before she said, "Four years."

Harry nodded, "And you turn in the shack? With your dad this year"

Marlene shook her head, "God no. Especially not this year he'd rip me apart."

"Really?" Harry asked

Marlene nodded, "Yes, he'd kill me, not feel bad about it until the next morning. Did you not do the essay?" Harry shook his head, "Yeah that makes sense."

"I'll miss him he was a good teacher." Harry said

Marlene nodded as they walked into the great hall, "He was."

"Harry you've got mail."

Whilst Harry walked over to Ron, Marlene sat down in front of Zac, "How's your leg?"

"Twingy. Can't believe I have to spent the summer with Nina." Zac said

Marlene picked up a grape from his plate and ate it, "I don't think I can say sorry more times than I already have. At this it saves you from all the monthly issues at our house."

"If you say sorry one more time I will leave...Monthly issues are better than Nina. Anything is better than Nina." Zac said

Marlene smiled, "Don't worry I'll send you letters."

"You better or I might come back just as crazy as her." Zac said

Marlene looked over at Harry and saw him looking at his new broom, "Who sent him that?" Zac asked

"I have an idea." Marlene said as Harry held up a hippogriff feather so she could see it

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