The Full Moon Is Upon Us

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Sirius and Marlene walked along the field towards the school, Sirius stopped and looked up at the castle, "Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors

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Sirius and Marlene walked along the field towards the school, Sirius stopped and looked up at the castle, "Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again. Freely." He turned and looked at Marlene, "That was brave what you did back there. You were very brave."

"It was wrong what happened to you." Marlene said

Sirius nodded, "I am sorry. Truly. That I wasn't there."

"It wasn't your fault-"

Sirius cut Marlene off, "No, but I missed everything." Sirius saw Marlene looked down at her watch, "You okay?"

"I didn't make it."

Marlene suddenly held her stomach and screamed as the moon came out of the clouds, "Marlene!" Sirius shouted, he put his hands on either side of her arms, "What's happening?"

Marlene pulled her sleeve up to show him her scars, "You need to go!"

Just then Zac ran towards them, "McKinnon said you didn't...oh that's why. I'm Zac nice to meet you."

"Zac." Marlene said

Zac moved forwards and wrapped his arms around Marlene, "Tell me when, just say when you need me okay. You're not doing this alone."

"He's a keeper." Sirius said

Marlene screamed again just as Zac said, "Actually I'm a beater but I don't think we're talking quidditch."

Remus who was dragging Peter, Harry, Ron and Hermione ran over to them as they heard the noise.

Remus turned around and saw the moon. Sirius ran towards Remus and got his arms around Remus, "Run. All of you. Now."

No one moved, "Remus, old friend... did you take your potion tonight?" Remus shook his head

"It's gonna take longer than Remus okay." Zac said

Marlene nodded, "I know." Marlene groaned as she watched Remus turn

Once Remus had turned. Snape got in front of Harry, Ron and Hermione. The werewolf went to pounce but a black dog intercepted him mid air.

The Dog got flown into the bush and The Werewolf ran after him

"My head!" Marlene shouted

Zac lowered the pair of the onto the ground, "I know. You're going to be okay."

Marlene quickly took her ring and her necklace off and put them on the ground, "This one isn't tame!" Marlene shouted as one of her arms broke

"Mr Bletchley I suggest that you take a step back from her." Snape said

Marlene screamed as her foot broke, Zac looked up at him, "Over my dead body."

"That is exactly what will happen if you don't move!" Snape shouted

"What can we do?!" Hermione shouted 

Marlene looked at her and shouted, "You can step the hell back! So I don't rip your spleen out!" 

During the commotion Harry ran into the woods after Sirius

Marlene's arm broke she screamed and shouted, "Now! Do it now!"

Zac nodded as he let Marlene go and she leaned on the ground, he took his jacket off, got onto the floor and turned into a fox just as Marlene had turned

Ron, Hermione and Snape watched as the wolf growled at the fox. The fox held its ground and growled back, "No one move, don't say a word." Snape said as he held his arm in front of Ron and Hermione

The wolf then ran into the woods, the fox looked at Snape, Ron and Hermione before running after the wolf.

. . . . . . . .

Harry was running through the woods, he skidded to a stop when he saw a wolf growling in front of him, "Marlene?" The wolf growled again, Harry took his wand out and pointed it at the wolf, "Please, Marlene's me. It's Harry."

The wolf turned it's head when it heard a howl, after a second howl it ran off back into the woods.

Harry sighed in relief as he leaned up against a tree, he heard a twig snap, he turned around and held his wand up.

Behind him was Zac holding his hands up, "Hey easy mate. I'm just here to find my friend. Where is she?"

Harry nodded behind them, "She went that way. Zac should you be walking around?"

"Believe me I'm safer than you are." Zac said as he started to run off in the direction Harry pointed him towards.

Thank you for reading 

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