Bad Feeling

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Harry and Marlene were sitting on a sofa, "So let me get this straight someone has been stealing polyjuice supplies from Snape's store?"

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Harry and Marlene were sitting on a sofa, "So let me get this straight someone has been stealing polyjuice supplies from Snape's store?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah, and he thought it was me." 

"Weird...then again I did see Moody walking from the dungeons, I set Peeves on it but I haven't heard anything back." Marlene said 

Harry looked at her and said, "He could've been there for a different reason." 

Marlene nodded, "Yeah maybe. It's just...there's something off about him." 

"I get it. He is a strange guy." Harry said 

Marlene stood up and said, "Come on, the Weasleys are coming here today an you have to get ready for the last task." 

Harry nodded as he stood up, "Why are the Weasley's coming again?" 

Zac walked towards them saying, "It's customary for the families of the Champions to come to the last task. And seen as the Dursleys won't come the Weasleys are stepping in." 

"And who knows there might be a black dog around. I'll let you know." Marlene said 

Harry smiled and said, "Thank you." 

Ron and Hermione then walked down the stairs, "Marlene I-" 

Marlene cut Hermione off, "Whatever you are about to say don't. I'll catch up with you." Marlene said as everyone walked towards the door of the common room

"Are you sure?" Zac asked

Marlene smiled and said, "Love this new found worry but yeah I'll be fine."

She walked towards the stairs and into the dorm room, "Oh you have got to be joking." She shut the door


Marlene cut Remus off, "Resurfaced have you? No, you don't get to do that leave then show up out of the blue."

"I thought I was protecting you when I left. The fear that I saw in your eyes's burned into my memory." Remus said

Marlene sighed and said, "I've seen it before. Yeah I got hurt, so what I've got hurt before. You left me because you were scared of yourself not because of what I've seen. Sure I had dad and painting mum but they don't know me as well as you do. My date for the Yule ball stood me up, one of my friends told me she was scared of me, and that newspaper, the god awful newspaper. Daughter of Sirius Black, be careful who knows what she might turn out like and all I wanted was your painfully good advice but you weren't there!"

"I was trying to protect you." Remus said

Marlene shook her head, "He was right when he said you were a sensitive git. Emphasis on the git." Marlene turned around and walked out of the dorm

She got into the common room where Hermione, Ron and Zac were waiting, "Marlene." Remus said as he jogged after her

Marlene turned around, "No! You don't get to just do that and think it's okay!"

. . . .  . . . . 

"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory...and Mr Potter tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum...The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round. On the count of three..." 

Before Dumbledore could start counting the cannon went off, Dumbledore looked at Filch and he shrugged and the champions ran into the maze 

Marlene walked over to the group of Weasley's and saw Bill, "Long time no see." 

Bill smiled as he hugged Marlene, "You're a lot bigger." 

"Why thank you." Marlene said as she walked over to Zac who was sitting down and sat next to him, "The clan of Weasleys are as big as ever." 

Zac chuckled, "They are." 

Remus walked towards them and saw down next to Zac, "Well at least with you here, people are drawing their attention off of Marlene." Zac said 

"You're mad too." Remus said 

Zac nodded, "I am." 

Marlene looked down and saw a black dog sit on the ground next to her seat, she smiled and said, "You must be mad." 

"How can the band be playing something so cheerful when my nerves are wracked." Zac said, "And before you say it I wont'." 

Marlene looked down at Sirius, "He has a habit of turning when he's scared...or when he sneezes. It's quite funny." 

Red sparks then flew into the sky, "Who is it? Who's had to withdraw?" Dean asked as he sat behind Marlene on the seats behind her

Dumbledore stood up and said, "Due to unforeseen circumstances. Miss Delacour has had to withdraw and is in last place." 

"Poor Fleur, that's the last two she hasn't completed. But really unforeseen circumstances. What the hell have they got in that maze?" Marlene asked 

Seamus walked up the stairs and sat next to Dean as he said, "She got this far which is impressive...Professor Lupin." 

"Mr Finnigan." Remus said

"It's good to see you again sir." Dean said 

Remus smiled, "It's good to be back."

Marlene leaned over to Zac, "I'm getting the feeling again." 

"Oh Merlin." Zac said 

Neville then joined them and sat down, "Chocolate frog?" 

Marlene shook her head, "If I eat I'll throw up." 

"Okay, now I'm worried you're turning down chocolate. Come here." Zac put his arm around Marlene and she put her head on his shoulder, "Harry will be fine." 

Just then they heard, "It's Potter and Diggory! They've done it!" 

Marlene stood up, "Wait something's wrong." 

Marlene covered her mouth when she saw Amos crying over Cedrics body, Sirius went to walk forwards but Marlene crouched down in front of him, "You're a dog. Remember that. You can't do anything right now. I'll go." 

Remus stood up Zac looked at him, "You two should go. We don't know what this is." 

Marlene and Zac both ran towards Harry, Marlene hugged him as Harry said, "I...I couldn't save him." 

"It's not your fault." Marlene said as she saw Zac walking over to the Weasleys 

Moody quickly walked over to them, "Come with me. You can bring Miss Lupin."

Thank you for reading 

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