Grimuald Place Arrival

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"Where are we?" Marlene asked as she and Remus walked down a dark street, she looked around and there were people with black robes and creepy looking shops, "You gonna answer me?"

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"Where are we?" Marlene asked as she and Remus walked down a dark street, she looked around and there were people with black robes and creepy looking shops, "You gonna answer me?"

Remus nodded, "Knockturn Alley. Not a great place for people like us, but if you want to hide you hide in their front garden."

"We're not hiding though." Marlene said

They stopped in front of a house, "No. We're not. Who do we know that is?"

Marlene looked at the house then back at Remus and he nodded, "You're kidding me?" Marlene asked

Remus shook his head, as they walked up the steps, and he opened the door, "What is this place?" Marlene asked as she walked in

"The Black House."

Marlene looked up and saw Sirius walking down the stairs, she smiled as she walked over to him and hugged him, "You look a lot better than when I last saw you."

Sirius laughed and said, "I could say the same about the pair of you."

Remus smiled as he hugged Sirius, "Thank you for doing this. Leaving your home"

"Home is where family is it's not a building." Marlene said

Remus nodded as he put his hands on Marlene's shoulders, "Alright Cub why don't you go and choose a room there's a lot of them. Whilst me and your dad talk." Sirius said

Marlene nodded, "Sure."

Remus and Sirius walked into the kitchen at the end of the hallway whilst Marlene walked up the stairs, she jumped back when a painting which was hanging up started to shout and scream, "Good lord!...great we've got a screaming painting. Wonderful."

Sirius walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs he picked up a blanket from the ground and covered the painting, "I see you've met my mother"

"She seemed...loud." Marlene said

Sirius nodded, "She was. Permanently stuck onto the wall which is an inconvenience,"

"I'm glad I never met the woman." Remus said as he walked up the stairs

Sirius nodded and said, "I'm glad you never met her too."

. . . . . . . . . . .

Once Marlene had picked a room she was sitting at the desk that was by the window writing a letter


I wish I could tell you where I am but I can't some old spell that's latched a secret onto mine and my dad's soul. Sounds more exciting than it is. I'm sure I can tell you when we go back to school. Seen as you, you know live with us.

Full moon coming up. In a new place, I'm turning in the attic here it's spelled like the tower so all should be fine. Two of us in the same building though...could be interesting.

I'll see you at the World Cup. Hope Nina isn't driving you too mad


She turned around when she heard the door open and she saw Sirius walk in, "I'm guessing you have questions?"

Marlene nodded, "You could say that."

"Well we have time to talk so...ask away." Sirius said

Thank you for reading

Goblet of fire y'all

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