He's not here?

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Marlene woke up in her bed, she groaned as she slowly sat up, the door opened and Sirius walked in, "How are you feeling?"

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Marlene woke up in her bed, she groaned as she slowly sat up, the door opened and Sirius walked in, "How are you feeling?"

She paused before she said, "Foggy. Not entirely sure what happened yet I'll just ask dad."

Sirius sighed as he sat down on the bed, "He...isn't here."

"Where is he?" Marlene asked

Sirius paused before he said, "I wish I knew. I went to see if he was okay after the moon and he wasn't there."

"So he just left?" Marlene asked

Sirius nodded, "Looks like it."

"He's running from his problems." Marlene said, "He hurt me and now he's gone so he doesn't do that again...he takes everything to heart, thinks everything is his fault."

Sirius nodded, "He was the same when we were at Hogwarts. He was convinced for weeks that Dumbledore sent the prefect badge to the wrong person."

"He'll be back right?" Marlene asked

Sirius nodded, "Of course he will. He might be a sensitive git but there is one thing he cares about more than anything. Family."

"Speaking of family...it was Pettigrew wasn't it? Who killed her?" Marlene asked, "That's what you meant at the shack when you said, 'you killed her too'"

Sirius sighed and nodded, "Yeah he did. It made the most sense, when your mother went missing the first time Peter was the only one who knew where she was. Too obvious to be me, or Remus, or even Dorcas. When I confronted him about him betraying Lily and James...it clicked that he must have done the same to Marlene, he...he admitted to it before killing those people, faking his death and framing me."

"...why didn't he tell me?"

"I don't think he could. He lost everyone in the span a few months. First your mother, then Dorcas, Lily and James, me, then Alice and Frank. Probably telling you brought it all back, easier to forget the bad things that happened to you then re live it." Sirius said

. . . . . . . .

A few hours later Marlene walked into a room on the bottom floor of the house, as she walked in she heard, "Marlene Lupin. Friend of Mudbloods, Blood traitors and monsterbloods."

Marlene crouched down and said, "He hasn't told you has he? I was born Marlene Black. You know what that means, it means you tried to kill someone you're supposed to be loyal to. Funny how things work like that don't you think?"

Marlene stood back up, Kreacher didn't say anything he just walked out of the room, "That makes a change, he never shuts up. He was never really pleasant.

Marlene turned around and saw Sirius walking in, "This is the Black Family Tree. I hated the lot of them. My parents with their Pureblood mania." Sirius pointed to his name which had been scorched off, "My mother did that after I ran away...charming woman. I was sixteen." 

"Where did you go?" Marlene asked 

Sirius smiled and said, "The Potters. I've been meaning to tell you this but I see so much of your mum in you, you're like her in many ways." 

Marlene shook her head and said, "I'm not so sure about that...I remembered what happened...when I turned I wanted to hurt him, I could feel it, before I turned completely I could feel it. I felt like I wanted to kill my dad, just because I was in the same room as him what the hell does that say about me?...Zac had an idea that as I get older the wolf gets angrier, but what if it's just me what if I'm the problem?"   

Sirius sighed as he put his hands on Marlene's shoulders, "I want you to listen to me very carefully. You are not the problem, there is nothing wrong with you. You're a wonderfully good person who bad things have happened to do you understand?" Marlene nodded, "Anger and all of that isn't just a werewolf trait it's a Black trait and I am so sorry you have that but...Look, the world isn't split into good and bad we've all got light and dark inside of us what matters is that part you choose to act on. That is who we really are." 

Marlene paused before she said, "Killing the dad game." 

"I try." 

Thank you for reading 

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