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Hermione walked into the dorm room where Marlene was sitting on her bed, Zac was at the foot of her bed, "What is he doing in here? If McGonagall catches him-" 

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Hermione walked into the dorm room where Marlene was sitting on her bed, Zac was at the foot of her bed, "What is he doing in here? If McGonagall catches him-" 

Zac cut her off saying, "We'll know if she gets in the common room." 

"How?" Hermione asked 

Marlene smiled and said, "Do you really think this is the first time we've done this? Trust us we'll know." 

Hermione nodded as she sat down and asked, "So how far are you with the werewolf essay?" 

"Oh I'm done." Marlene said 

Hermione raised an eyebrow and said, "You're done with a homework? It's not the night before it's due in." 

Marlene nodded, "I know I just...know a bit about werewolves. You'll get there." 

"Hey are you okay? You look a bit...tired." Hermione said 

Zac looked up at Marlene as she said, "I'm okay."

. . . . . . . . .

Marlene was looking over the bridge in the rain with the cheers from the Quidditch match in the background.

"You're not at the game?" 

Marlene turned around, "Neither are you. Don't you play quidditch?" 

Zac nodded as he leaned on the railing of the bridge, "Not today I'm not. Besides if anything interesting happens we'll hear it." 

Marlene looked at him and said, "What is the matter with you?" 

"What do you mean?" Zac asked 

"You're acting strange." Marlene said 

Zac shrugged and said, "I don't know what you are talking about." 

Marlene sat down on the ground, "You're a weirdo." 

"And you love me for it." Zac said, "Hey Marls?...what was your Boggart?" 

Zac sat down on the ground as Marlene said, "You." 

Zac raised an eyebrow, "Me? You're scared of me?" 

Marlene shook her head and said, "No of course I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of me hurting you." 

"You can't hurt me." Zac said 

Marlene scoffed, "Actually I can. I could rip your throat out and not feel bad about it until the next morning. I don't know how the hell I didn't kill you last time but I'm not risking that again it's gotten worse, harder and harder to control. Something's changed and it's not good."

Zac put his arm around Marlene's shoulder and said, "Well whatever it is we'll deal with it. Maybe as you're getting older, so's the wolf and it's getting angrier too." 

"I don't want it angrier I want it gone." Marlene said 

"Don't we all." 

The pair looked up and saw Remus walking towards them, "I thought younger ones heal faster?" Remus said 

Marlene gave him a look, "Do I look that bad." 

"Well you don't look good let's put it that way." Zac said, he looked up at Remus, "And you don't look so good yourself Remus." 

"I am taking that not as your teacher." Remus said with a slight smile 

Marlene and Zac quickly stood up when they heard a scream, "Is that a person?" Marlene said as she saw a black dot falling from the sky 

"That's a Dementor." Zac said as he pointed to another black figure in the sky 

"Harry." Remus said 

The three of them ran down the bridge towards the screams from the Quidditch Pitch. 

 . . . . . . . . 

"So he just fell off of his broom that doesn't make any sense." Marlene said as she was packing up her things 

Hermione shook her head and said, "No a dementor came onto the grounds. Dumbledore was furious and sent them off. Seriously what is the matter with you?" 

Marlene turned around and said, "There is nothing wrong with me Hermione drop it." 

Hermione held her hands up in defeat, "Fine. Fine." 

Zac poked his head around the door, "Marls you ready?" 

Marlene nodded before she could leave the room Hermione said, "Oh and Marlene, Happy birthday for the holidays." 

"Thank you." Marlene said as she left the room, as they walked down the stairs Marlene said, "She's going to be an issue." 

"Can't kill her so just leave it." Zac said as he took Marlene's suitcase 

Marlene looked at him and said, "I can carry my own case you know?" 

Zac nodded, "I know, but you look like you could you know keel over at any minute so I'm being a good friend." 

Thank you for reading 

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