Something feels wrong

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Marlene woke up in the Hospital Wing the next morning, she winced as she slowly sat up, "I wouldn't go that fast if I were you

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Marlene woke up in the Hospital Wing the next morning, she winced as she slowly sat up, "I wouldn't go that fast if I were you."

"Are you okay?" Marlene asked as she saw Ron sitting on another bed in the room

Ron nodded, "I'm okay. Your dad just left to...throw up I think. He didn't look great."

"Is he ok?" Marlene asked and Ron nodded, "What aren't you telling me?"

Just then the door opened and Remus walked in, "Ah you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"My head is pounding, I'm aching all over fairly sure I have some more scars...Something feels wrong." Marlene said

Remus winced as he sat down, "Wrong how?"

"I don't know. I don't know if it's because I was out for the first time or...tell me I didn't hurt anyone." Marlene said, she saw Remus's eyes dart to the ground, "Dad?...Oh God I hurt someone didn't I? Who did I hurt?" Remus and Ron stayed quiet, "Who did I hurt!"


Marlene looked over to the door and saw Zac limping in, ", no, no what did I do?"

Zac sat down on the empty bed next to Marlene, "You ran, I went looking for you. I found you eating a rat...ironic in the situation we're in. I forgot that I wasn't an animal and..." Zac moved the bandage off of his leg and Marlene looked away when she saw cuts going down the length of his leg, "You didn't turn me don't panic. The moon had gone, the second it happened you turned back and passed out."

Marlene was about to say something when she quickly pulled her hair backwards, leaned over the bed and threw up into the bucket that was on the side of the bed. Zac went to stand up but Marlene turned her head backwards, "Get him out of here!"

Remus stood up and got in front of Zac, "Just go."


Remus cut Zac off, "Zac Just go. She just needs to process it believe me. Just give her time."

Zac nodded as he stood up and walked towards the door. Remus sat on the bed and took Marlene's hair, held it back and rubbed her back, "He doesn't blame you. He doesn't hold it against you."

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