Flight of the Fat Lady

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Marlene was sitting in a chair in the common room, "You look awful

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Marlene was sitting in a chair in the common room, "You look awful." 

She looked up and saw Zac sitting down in the chair in front of her, "Thank you. Very nice. I'm gonna feel worse tomorrow that's for sure...I hate it, Zac I actually it hate it." 

Zac nodded, "I know. I know you do." 

"I've got a bad feeling, not just about tonight. Something's gonna happen." Marlene said 

Zac gave her a look and said, "Is that your..." He leaned in a whispered, "Werewolf sense?" 

"No...It's a me feeling." Marlene said 

. . . . . . . . 

"What's going on?" Marlene asked as she and Zac walked up the stairs where there were queues of Gryffindor students.

"Probably Neville's forgotten the password again." Ron said 


Ron turned around and Neville was standing behind him, "Oh, you're there." 

"Okay so if Neville's here what's going on up there?" Marlene asked

They looked up when they heard Percy Weasley, "No one is to enter this dorm until it has been fully searched." 

Ginny ran down the stairs towards them all and said, "The Fat Lady she's gone." 

"Don't you say it." Zac said 

Marlene looked up at him and said, "I told you." 

"Serves her right she was a terrible singer." Ron said

Marlene looked at the painting and saw that there were claw marks going the length of the painting, "The paintings are going mad." Zac said as he saw all the paintings were making noises 

Dumbledore and Filch ran up the stairs, "Mr Filch round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady." 

"There's no need for Ghosts, Professor. The Fat Lady is there." Filch said

Everyone ran up the stairs towards where Filch was pointing, "Dear Lady who did this to you?" 

The Fat Lady was sobbing as he said, "Eyes like the devil, he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It's him Headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here, somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!" 

"Secure the castle. The rest of you, to the Great Hall." Dumbledore shouted 

"I got to go. Like now." Marlene said 

Zac nodded, "You want me to come?" 

Marlene shook her head, "No, just cover for me." 

Marlene went in the opposite direction to the rest of the students, she past Remus on the stairs, "You heard then?" Marlene asked 

Remus nodded, "Good luck tonight." 

"You too." Marlene said as she hugged Remus, "You look awful by the way." 

Remus smiled as he ran down the stairs as Marlene went up towards the painting that was guarding the tower, "Hey McKinnon, did you-" 

The painting cut Marlene off, "See anything? No I wish I did though I'd give Sirius a piece of my mind." 

The painting opened and Marlene went inside into the room. She quickly got to work, chaining her feet up to the ground, she took off her clothes just as the moon came out from behind the clouds. 

Marlene looked through the barred window at the moon and immediately her foot broke and she screamed, "Here we go." Marlene moved onto her hands and knees just as her arm broke. Marlene screamed as the rest of her bones started to break. She could already hear howling coming from the Shrieking Shack. 

"I know who I am! You are not beating me!" Marlene shouted 

A few seconds later Marlene wasn't what was sitting on the ground, instead there was a wolf, this time there was no one to attack, or no one to calm her down so the wolf started to attack itself out of frustration. 

. . . . . . . . 

The next morning Marlene woke up on the ground, she groaned when she looked at the floor and saw a mauled rat, "Oh God." She slowly started to sit up and saw blood on the ground. 

She looked at her stomach and saw new cuts that had already healed and left scars. She moved over to the bag in the corner of the room and took out some clothes. 

When she stood up, she quickly moved her hair out of the way ran over to the bucket and threw up, "And there's the rat." Marlene groaned as she looked down in the bucket. 

Marlene leaned up against the wall, but slowly sank back down to the ground, "Pull yourself together Marlene." 

She stood up again and moved over to a hole in the wall which had a bag of things inside, she pulled the bag out and began to clean herself and the room up. 

Thank you for reading 

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P.S. As I was writing this my puppy was chewing my hand 😂😂


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