Dance Lesson

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"Tea? Marlene?" Hagrid asked 

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"Tea? Marlene?" Hagrid asked 

Marlene sat down on one of the stools in the hut, "Love some. If you're offering." 

"You hear to avoid the people?" Hagrid asked as he poured some tea into cups 

Marlene nodded, "You know it." 

Hagrid handed her a cup and said, "Well just so you know. I have no issue with it, either of them." 

Marlene smiled and said, "Never met a monster you couldn't love huh?" 

"You're no monster. You're one of the kindest girls I've ever met." Hagrid said 

Marlene paused before she said, "So, you and Madame Maxime? What is that?" 

"I am not discussing that with you young lady." Hagrid said and Marlene smiled, "Shouldn't you be getting to your lessons?" 

"Probably. McGonagall doesn't really mind me not being everywhere I'm supposed to be. I think she feels sorry for me." Marlene said 

Hagrid sat down and said, "So I remember, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I've ever set eyes on. Always reminded me of myself a little. And here we all are, four years later." 

"Still misfits." Marlene said 

Hagrid nodded, "Maybe. But we've all got each other. Use your friends. I'm sure they want to help you." 

Marlene shrugged and said, "I'm not sure. Since the Quidditch game I've had a feeling about Hermione, one I can't shake." 

. . . . . . .

Marlene slowly and quietly walked into the classroom where Ron was dancing with McGonagall, "What did I just walk into?" Marlene asked as she sat down next to Natasha

"Something brilliant. Short explanation, we have to dance at this ball." Natasha said 

Marlene nodded, "Great." 

McGongall then said, "Everybody come together." No one moved from their seats, "On your feet!" 

Still no one moved, Zac stood up and walked over to the other side of the hall and held his hand out for Marlene, "Let's show them how it's done." 

Marlene laughed, "You're an idiot." 

"I am." Zac said as he pulled Marlene up 

"Thank you Mr Bletchley." McGonagall said 

. . . . . . . .

Later that day Harry and Marlene were sitting on a bench, "Why do you have to travel in packs. How are you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?"

Marlene smiled and said, "You're acting like we're animals. You've took on a dragon, if you can't get a date, who can?"

"I'd take the dragon right now...are you going to the homework time?" Harry asked

Marlene shook her head, "I'm not because for the first time in my life I've done all my work."

"I heard from Lavender I think that Zac already has a date." Harry said

Marlene raised an eyebrow and said, "Really? Who?"

"Some girl from Beauxbatons." Harry said

"Geez. Didn't expect that one." Marlene said

Harry nodded, "I don't think anyone did...Do you have a date?"

Marlene shook her head and said, "I don't... You need to get a move on."

Just then Karakoff walked over to them, "Mr Potter, congratulations on your victory with the dragons."

Harry and Marlene shared a look, "Uh...thank you."

"And who's this?" Karakoff asked

Marlene stood up and said, "Marlene...Marlene McKinnon." Karakoff looked at her, "Where have you heard that name before? Have a nice day, Harry I'll see you later." 

. . . . . . . .


Marlene turned around and saw Aiden Hooper walking towards her, "Aiden hi. Loose your book again?" 

Aiden shook his head, "No. Well yes but that's not why I'm here. I wanted to know if you would like to go to the dance with me?" 

"Me? Sure that's a good idea?" Marlene asked, "Lot's of things flying around about me lately." 

Aiden nodded, "I know, I don't care. We don't choose our family." 

"Then I would love to." Marlene said 

. . . . . . . . 

Zac jogged up from behind her, "Marls!" Marlene turned around, "Are you okay? The twins told me what happened?" 

"I'm okay. Just...yeah I'm fine." Marlene said 

Zac nodded, "Do you have a date to the ball yet?"

Marlene nodded, "Yeah, I actually do."

Zac paused before he said, "You do?"

Marlene chuckled and said, "Don't sound so surprised. I do...Aiden."

"Aiden Hooper. You're going with that dick? Really?" Zac asked

Marlene stood up and said, "Yes, I am actually. He's not half bad when you talk to him."

"Are you kidding me? Not half bad. Marls...come on you're smarter than that." Zac said

Marlene scoffed and said, "You're right, he's a dick but I like to give people chances because no one will ever give me any. Maybe you should do the same." 

. . . . . . . . 

Down at the lake Neville was standing in it and Marlene was sitting down on the ground, "You got a date Neville?" 

Neville nodded, "I do. Ginny." 

Marlene smiled, "That's great." 

"I can't do the dance though." Neville said as he walked out of the lake, dried off his feet and put some shoes on, "It's doesn't work in my brain you know?" 

Marlene nodded, "I'm like that with Arithmetic. Nothing stays in there." Neville nodded. Marlene stood up and said, "Come here. I'm teaching you." 


Neville was cut off by Marlene saying, "No arguing. Come here." 

Neville stood up and walked over to her, "Waist." Neville put his hand on Marlene's waist and Marlene took his hand, "You ready?" 

"No but you're not giving me a chance." Neville said 

Marlene nodded, "No I'm not." The pair then tried to move across the ground, "And..." Neville stepped on her feet, 

"Sorry." Neville said 

Marlene shook her head, "Oh, oh, that's okay. That's all right. You're fine, you're fine. Ready?" Neville nodded and they started again, "And... one, two, three. One, two, three. There you go. See look at this"

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