Open the door!

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"You should probably get going before it starts

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"You should probably get going before it starts." Remus said as he moved a box that was in the basement

Marlene nodded, "I know. I would say good luck but...none of this is lucky."

Marlene walked towards the door, tried to open it but it was locked, "Why is this door locked?"

Remus looked confused as he walked over to the door, tried to open it but nothing happened, "No...god dammit! Open the door!"

Marlene banged on the door, "Dad!...Sirius!"

"He's not here." Remus said

Marlene turned around, "What do you mean he's not here?...he's a fugitive. On the run. Where could he possibly have to go?"

"Meeting with Dumbledore." Remus said

Marlene sighed, "For the love of Merlin. Kreacher." Marlene banged on the door again, "Kreacher! Open the door you git!"

Remus tried to break down the door, "Kreacher! Come on!"

"Dad." Marlene said but Remus didn't listen he just kept trying to break the door down, "Dad!" Remus stopped and turned around, "We can't get out that's the point."

"No, I'm not letting this happen, We can break it down." Remus said

Marlene shook her head, "No we can't. It's spelled, not even a werewolf could break through it. Which is what is going to happen in a few minutes. We're gonna turn. Together. And not going to end well for either of us."

She quickly turned around when she heard Remus groan, Marlene winced as she put her hand on her head, "'s happening."

Remus shook his head, "No. No we're not doing this. This isn't happening."

Marlene screamed as her foot broke and she dropped to the floor onto her hands and knees. Remus steadied himself on the wall, he turned his head when he heard, "No, no I'm doing this. I'm not turning!"

"Marlene...Marlene we have to. There isn't anything we can do." Remus said as he walked over to the door and tried to push it open, "Come on! Kreacher! Kreacher don't do this!"

Marlene looked up at him and screamed again as she felt another bone break, "You're gonna kill me. If we turn...oh Merlin you're gonna kill me."

Remus shook his head, "No, no I'm not gonna kill you." He got down on the ground in front of Marlene, "You hear me? I'm not gonna kill you."

"Can you promise me that? I'm fighting it as much as I can but...I can't." Marlene asked

Remus paused he went to answer when he stumbled back and began to turn. She looked away as she heard Remus shout then turn.

Marlene moved backwards as the werewolf began to move towards her, "Dad..." Another bone broke, "Dad don't do this. It's me. It's Marlene."

The werewolf howled and continued to slowly move forwards, "Fine...let's go." Marlene stopped fighting the moon and she screamed one more time as she fully turned.

. . . . . . . . . . .

An hour later Sirius apparated into the house but didn't hear anything coming from upstairs, "Marlene?" he walked up the stairs and saw the attic door was open, Sirius leaned over the banister "Kreacher what's going on?"

"Kreacher got rid of the Monsterbloods on orders." Kreacher said as he walked into the kitchen

Sirius ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, "Who's orders?"

"Mistress Blacks." Kreacher said as he walked into the cupboard

Sirius then realised what had happened, he ran out of the kitchen and down the stairs towards the basement where he heard growling and a wolf whimper, "Remus! Marlene!" He went to open the door but stopped, "Oh, no, no."

. . . . . . . . .

The next morning Sirius opened the door and ran in he stopped when he saw what the room looked like, blood on the walls and the floors, boxes torn to pieces.

He turned around when he heard, "What the hell happened?" He saw Marlene sitting up against the wall with a gash on her upper arm.

Sirius picked up a blanket and put it around Marlene as he got over to her, "What happened?"

"The wouldn't open." Marlene said

Sirius took out a handkerchief that was in his pocket and wrapped it around Marlene's arm and she winced, "Sorry."

Just then they heard, "Marlene?"

Sirius stood up and went over to where the noise was coming from, Sirius picked up another blanket and handed it to Remus as he sat up from the ground, "Tell me I didn't-"

Sirius cut him off, "You didn't. You didn't it's okay. She's okay."

When the pair walked back over to where Marlene was she had taken some clothes out of a box and put them on. Marlene moved her leg to the side and showed them the gash that was on her thigh, "You might want to bring the dittany down here. I don't think I'm getting up there right now."

Sirius nodded as he walked to the door. Remus groaned as he sat down on the ground, "Neither of us died I call that a win." Marlene said

"You almost did." Remus said

Marlene looked at him, "You remember?" Remus nodded, "What happened?"

"I attacked you-"

Marlene cut him off, she shook her head and said, "You didn't. It did. That wasn't you. Because if that was you...then I hurt you and Zac and I can't have that on me."

Sirius walked back into the room with the bottle of Dittany, he dropped some on the gash's on Marlene's leg and arm and the wounds closed up but left marks. He then moved onto Remus's wounds, "I'm gonna kill that House Elf."

"Don't." Marlene said as Remus and Sirius looked at her, "That's what he wants. Don't give him what he wants."

Thank you for reading

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