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"I'm pretty sure setting an age limit for the tournament doesn't make it any safer

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"I'm pretty sure setting an age limit for the tournament doesn't make it any safer." Zac said as he and Marlene were walking down one of the hallways

Marlene shook her head, "It doesn't but it does mean that less people can put their names in."

"Would you put your name in if you could?" Zac asked

Marlene gave him a look and said, "You must be joking? Definitley not."

They walked down the hallway when they came up to a group of Slytherin's and Draco who said, "Wouldn't surprise me if a werewolf cast the mark, I heard they were a big ally of you know who in the first war. They let an ally of him teach the students here it's horrible really."

"Leave it." Zac said as he moved in front of Marlene

Marlene shook her head, "Wish I could." She turned around and walked over to Malfoy, "Wouldn't surprise me if a Malfoy cast the mark, I heard they were big allies of you know who in the first war. Weren't you and your father at the game? Coincidence or really good timing?"

"Don't talk about my father." Draco said

"Don't talk about mine." Marlene said as she turned around, she quickly turned around and caught Draco's fist, "Really?" She pushed it down, kneed him in the stomach and knocked him on the floor, "I'm stronger than I look. You really think I don't know how to defend myself without magic especially when I have a werewolf father come on you're smarter than that."


Marlene turned around and saw Moody walking towards her, "My office now!"

Draco stood up from the floor saying, "Now you've done it."

. . . . . . 

"I'm not apologising if that's what you want me to do. He deserved it." Marlene said as she walked into the Defence Classroom

Moody stood at the front of the class and said, "That he did. You don't seem like the type of girl to go around doing that to someone."

"I'm not it's just him." Marlene said

Moody nodded, "Malfoy's are slippery bastards. I'm not going to make you apologise."

"You're not?" Marlene asked

Moody shook his head, "No, like I said he deserved it. Just shouted for show. Get out of here."

Marlene smiled as she walked towards the door, "Lupin." She turned around, "Next time punch him on the bridge of his nose it'll hurt more."

"I'll keep that in mind." Marlene said as she walked out of the classroom

As soon as she walked out she saw Zac sitting on the wall waiting, when he saw her he stood up, "How many detentions do you have?"

"None." She said as they began to walk down the hall

Zac raised his eyebrows, "None? Really?"

Marlene nodded, "Yeah he said that Malfoy deserved it and that next time I should punch him on the bridge of his nose...I can see why my mum liked him."

Zac put his arm around her shoulder's and said, "We need to work on your impulses. You can't let every little thing he says get to you."

"I can if it means I get to hurt him more." Marlene said

Just then a barn owl flew through the hall and dropped a letter at Marlene's feet before flying off again, "Post-owl." Zac said as he bent down and picked the letter up

He handed it to Marlene and the pair sat down on the wall as she opened it


Sounds like you're off to an interesting start of the year. I can tell you that they were indeed Death Eaters at the game. There is still only one of us here but he'll turn up.

I wish I could tell you something that could help but all I can say is be careful, everyone is on edge now that the mark was cast. No one knows what it means or what is happening.

Well done on not punching Malfoy though if you're in a lonely place punch him. When you see him tell Harry to tell me if his scar hurts again. Or tell you and you'll tell me.

Same goes with you. If yours hurt again you tell me or someone you trust. Greyback being near kids is never a good thing.

Be careful, tell your mother I say hi


"If that's from Padfoot then where's Remus?" Zac asked

Marlene sighed and said, "We don't know. We haven't seen him since the full moon. When I got hurt he freaked out and left. I don't think he like that part of him, and I don't blame him."

"You remember what happened?" Zac asked

Marlene nodded, "Took a while but I remember feeling scared because I knew that he would kill if I gave him the chance so...I didn't let him have a chance too. Then I let go and I felt like I wanted to kill him I hated it, I hated feeling like that."

"When we go home I'm going to give that house elf a piece of my mind." Zac said

Marlene looked surprised as she said, "You're gonna move in?"

Zac nodded, "Of course I am. You're my family. Where else would I be?"

Thank you for reading

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