Whomping Willow

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"Come on Bletchley your family what are they like?" Seamus asked as he sat down on the floor 

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"Come on Bletchley your family what are they like?" Seamus asked as he sat down on the floor 

Zac shook his head, "My family? Oh no they're all crazy as loons the lot of them." 

"I take offence." Marlene said 

Seamus laughed as Zac said, "Not offensive if it's true. There's my brother Nate who hasn't been seen on the face of the earth for years. My mum died, so it's just me, Marlene and Remus."

"Well there's Great Aunt Nina, but she is a loon." Marlene said 

Zac nodded, "Very true." 

. . . . . . . 

Later that day Marlene, Zac, Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking down the bridge towards Hagrids, "I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak it's too horrible." 

They walked off of the bridge when they saw Draco, Crabbe and Goyle standing at the pathway, "Oh look who's here come to see the show?"

Hermione rushed down and pointed her wand at Draco, "You foul and loathsome, evil little cockroach."

"Hermione No!" Ron shouted, "He's not worth it."

Hermione lowered her wand and backed away, Marlene looked up at Zac, "Can't kill him but I can do this."

Marlene walked forwards and punched Draco around the face, Draco held his nose as he said, "My father will hear about this!"

Marlene smiled, "What that you fell and hurt yourself? I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that conversation."

"Come on Draco let's go." Crabbe said

The trio walked off, "I've been wanting to do that since I met the slimy git." Marlene said

Ron looked impressed as he said, "Remind me never to get on your bad side."

"It's bad I don't recommend it." Zac said

Marlene chuckled and said, "You don't need to worry it's taken by people like Draco." 

"Let me guess what that was for." Zac said 

Marlene smiled and said, "You don't need to. You know." 

Zac and Marlene stayed back and Zac said, "Did anyone tell your dad about Sirius?" 

Marlene shook her head, "We'll catch you guys up." She called over to the rest of the group

. . . . . . . .

Zac and Marlene walked into Remus's office, he was sitting at his desk, he looked up and Zac said, "Please tell me you know what he's doing?" 

Marlene shut the door as Remus said, "What are you talking about?" 

"I'm talking about the fact that Marlene's dad broke into my dorm room with a knife and almost gave me a heart attack." Zack said 

Remus stood up, "He did what?" 

"You heard him right. Tell me you know what he's doing please?" Marlene asked

"Did he do anything? Take anything, hurt anyone?" Remus asked 

Marlene shook her head and said, "No. Almost, he went after Ron of all people." 

"Ron? Weasley why would he go after him?" Remus asked, "I don't know. Just go back to your common room, stay there. I'll know if you don't." 

Marlene and Zac walked out of the office, "We're not are we?" 

"You are. I'm off." Marlene said 

"The whole reason I did what I did was so I could help you I had to have this disgusting leaf thing under my tongue for-" 

Marlene cut Zac off, "Yeah, you're going to go up to the common room, give out our excuses so no one goes looking for us and then you're going to come and join me. It's our first full moon you're a part of this one. Marlene knows to let you in, but if you hear growling you stay the hell away." 

Zac nodded and went off in the other direction, Marlene was about to go up the stairs, she looked down at her watch and saw she had time left, "I can make it." 

Marlene went the other way towards the bridge, she walked down the path and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione, "Did I miss it?" 

Hermione nodded, "Yeah. They killed him." 

Marlene sighed and said, "I'm sorry. I came to get you, make sure none of you had been killed." 

They began to walk back to the school as Hermione said, "Poor Hagrid." 

Marlene looked around and said, "Something's not right." 

"Come on we need to get back to the school." Hermione said 

"Wait." Harry said 

They all stopped and looked at him, "Harry, we need to go." Marlene looked down at her watch, "Now would be good." 

Ron dropped his rat, "Ow! Scabbers!" 

"Ron!" Harry shouted as Ron ran after the rat 

Marlene sighed, "Oh for Merlin's sake." 

They all ran after him, "Ron!" Hermione shouted, they stopped when they saw Ron holding the rat, 

Ron pointed behind them and shouted, "Harry! Marlene! Hermione! Watch out it's the Grim!" 

They all turned around and saw a black dog behind them, it started to run towards them, Harry ducked but the dog jumped over Harry towards Ron, Marlene looked at it and said quietly, "He's not after Harry." She raised her voice and shouted, "Ron drop the rat!" 

The dog grabbed Ron by the ankle and dragged him down the hill. 

Harry, Hermione and Marlene ran towards Ron but they were too late as Ron got dragged down a hole at the stump of the tree. 

"Ron!" Harry shouted

 Just then a vine from the whomping willow knocked into them making them fly backwards

"Let's go!" Harry shouted 

They ran towards the tree dodging the branches, "Duck!" Hermione shouted 

The girls ducked but Harry got knocked back, "That's not duck!" Marlene shouted as she jumped over one of the vines

"Hermione!" Marlene shouted as she saw Hermione got picked up by one of the vines 

Whilst the tree was busy with Hermione, Marlene ran towards the trunk and jumped down the hole, a few seconds later Harry got thrown down and landed on top of Marlene, "Oh, Sorry." 

"It's fine." Marlene said 

Hermione screamed as she fell down the hole, "Where do you suppose this goes?" She asked as she stood up 

"I have a hunch I just hope I'm wrong." Harry said 

Marlene shook her head, "You're not wrong." 

"You've been down here before?" Hermione asked 

Marlene nodded and said, "Many times." 

Thank you for reading 

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