My gut was right

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"Are you alright Potter?" Moddy asked as they walked into his office, Harry nodded, "Does it hurt?" Harry shook his head, "Not so much now

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"Are you alright Potter?" Moddy asked as they walked into his office, Harry nodded, "Does it hurt?" 

Harry shook his head, "Not so much now."

"I'd better take a look at it." Moody said, 

Harry sat down as he said, "The cup was a portkey. Someone had bewitched

"The cup?" Marlene asked 

Harry nodded as Moody asked, "What was it like? What was he like?

"Who?" Harry asked 

"The dark lord. What was it like to stand in his presence?" Moody asked 

Marlene looked at Moody as Harry shrugged saying, "I don't know. It was like I'd fallen into
one of my dreams. One of my nightmares."

Moody started shaking and struggling for air, he reached for his bottle but it's empty. He ran to a chest with other bottles and struggled to find one, "Were there others? In the graveyard,
were there others?"

"I don't think he said anything about a graveyard Professor." Marlene said 

Moody turned around saying, "Marvellous creatures dragons aren't they? Do you think that Mr Weasley would have shown Miss Lupin the dragons knowing she would tell you if I didn't suggest it? Do you think Cedric Diggory would have told you to hold the egg under the water if I hadn't have told him first myself? Do you think Neville Longbottom the witless wonder could have provided you with gilliweed if I hadn't have given him the book that led you straight to it? Huh?" He looked at Marlene, "You're to inquisitive for your own good Miss Lupin." 

"It was you, you put his name in the cup." Marlene said 

Moody nodded, "Well done, Miss Lupin. Anything else?" 

Harry looked up at Marlene, "Marlene what's happening?" 

"Remember when you told me that Snape thought you had been stealing polyjuice supplies from the store?" Marlene asked and Harry nodded, "It seems like it Professor Moody all along." 

Moody looked impressed as he said, "Sending your pet poltergeist after me was a smart call, but a pain nonetheless." 

Marlene slightly stood in front of Harry, took out her wand and said, "You better not have done anything to him." 

"And what will you do? We both know you're not a strong as you usually are. I should just kill you now.  You won because I made it so Potter. You ended up in that graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so. And now the deed is done. The blood that runs through these veins runs within the dark lord. Imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter." 

A flash of magic occurs and Mad-Eye is knocked into the wall. Dumbledore and Snape came rushing in. Dumbledore takes Mad-Eye by the neck, "Severus..." 

Snape administered some veritaserum and Moody began to wriggle demonically, "Do you know who I am?" 

Moody nodded, "Albus Dumbledore?" 

"Are you Alastor Moody?" Dumbledore asked 

Moody shook his head, "No." 

"Is he in this room? Is he in this room?" Dumbledore shouted 

Moody nodded, "Harry get away from there!" 

Marlene pulled Harry away from the chest. Dumbledore walked towards the chest. The chest opened , it had a series of smaller chests. When the final chest opened there was a pit within holding a man the real Alastor Moody.

"Are you alright Alastor?" Dumbledore called in 

"That's Moody, but then who's...?" Harry asked 

Marlene looked at Moody and saw he started to change, "I think we're about to find out."

He ripped off the fake eyepiece to show that he was Barty Crouch JR, "Barty Crouch Junior." Dumbledore said 

Crouch looked up, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." 

Crouch rolled up his sleeve to reveal a skull and snake marking, "You know what this means don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned." 

Dumbledore looked at McGonagall, "Send an owl to Azkaban, think they'll find they're missing a prisoner." 

"I'll be welcomed back like a hero." Crouch said 

Dumbledore nodded, "Perhaps. Personally I've never had much time for heroes." 

. . . . . .  .

In Dumbledores office, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Marlene, Harry, Remus and Sirius were sitting around, "Now I have work for each of you. Fudge's attitude, though not unexpected, changes everything. Sirius, I need you to set off at once. You are to alert Arabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher, Marcel Myers, Kara Leone...the old crowd. Lie low for a while with the Lupins." 

Marlene looked at Sirius, "I'll be fine cub, I'll see you soon." Marlene stood up and Sirius hugged her 

Remus walked over to Sirius, "Be careful." Sirius nodded, "With Marcel and Kara no one has seen them for years good luck with them."

 "I'm always careful." Sirius said 

Remus gave him a look, "Don't make me laugh. You careful. Funny." 

Sirius rolled his eyes as he hugged Remus

Thank you for reading 

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