### A History Lesson

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This follows Hades' perspective when he was 19 y/o and is going to meet Jane (18 y/o) for the first time 🤭 They later start living together in a small apartment in the pack house.

I've kept this in draft and didn't know if anyone was interested but I said "Eh, it's no one's loss." 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hades' POV


Why can't I find a single deer in this damned forest?!

I pinched the brige of my nose while sealing my eyes shut, trying to find my "inner peace". All those lesson with Elder Agathias were useless.

"I don't even care if it's a rabbi-" A yell interrupted my whining.

All of my senses sharpened as I saw the face of a frightened girl running towards me, her eyes met mine and she paused instantly, causing her to slip and fall back on her butt.

Her long white hair covered half of her dirty face and chest, the thin cloth she was wearing hung loosely on her bony figure. If she would lay down and close her eyes, you would think it was a dead corpse with how dull everything about her was.

Except for her eyes.

Sparkling green eyes stared at me in shock, she pointed a long finger at me and said, "Mate! You're. . ." Her jaw slightly dropped and her hand fell to the ground, "I found my mate." She whispered to herself.

I pursed my lips and took a step back. If I were to pick the worst day of my life, this would probably be it. I didn't get enough sleep, didn't want to hunt though everyone insisted I prove my worth, and I certainly didn't want to find my mate.

How am I suppose to take care of her when I can barely take care of myself?!

A huge smile ripped her cheeks in half, and she stood up with unknown strength, "Oh my Goddess! I found you! Do you have any idea how much I prayed to the moon Goddes, herself, to find you?! Every. Single. Moment." She stood in front of me with excitement in her eyes, her heels of her legs were pushing her back and forth.

"So, it's your fault." I scoffed and looked elsewhere.

"My fault? For praying?" She tilted her head, her pout turned into a grin, "I wouldn't say it's a fault, I would say it was all fate, we were meant to meet. Don't you think so?" Her tone was bright and soft, if it were up to her, she wouldn't stop giggling.

My heart clenched at her smile and I fucking hated it. I hate that I'm supposed to like her regardless of who she is due to the matebond. I despise being forced to be with someone that was chosen for me.

"No." I gave her a short answer.

"Oh, well," She shrugged easily, "Can I touch you? Oh! I want to know how it feels! Can I? I bet you're curious too, hmm?" Her fingers intertwined and she brought it closer to her face.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Don't touch me."

"Just once?" She pouted.

I gulped forcefully, "No."

"Like a little tappity tap?" She brought her index finger close to her thumb.

So annoying!

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her cheeks, pulling her face up to look at me, "There! Happy?"

Her eyes widened and I forced mine to stay the same. My heart was beating loud and fast against my ribcage, every inch of me felt completed but it made me all the more lost and incomplete.

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