#17 Heat ✔

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Jane's POV

I laid in bed with a heavy heart, this is going to be the first day.

First day of heat is always the worst, everything crashes down on you, and you cannot stop the pain. Unless you have found your mate. Or in my case, if your mate is willing to help.

I know why he doesn't want to be near me, he'll take me without doubt, he won't have control over his wolf. But like Evangeline said, we can use protections, or what she calls them a condom.

She even showed me pictures, and told me what they do. You can mate without having pups. Which sounds like dark magic..

Does Hades know about the condoms? Should I tell him? What if he knows, just doesn't want to be near me?

I felt tears forming in my eyes, as I stared at the ceiling with a blurry vision, I sniffed and held my stomach tightly. Oh the pain...

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes, thoughts drifted far away, and the next thing I know, pain shot through my stomach.

I gasped at the achness, it felt like punches were thrown towards my stomach, and someone was rubbing a hand on the bruise painfully, the feeling was painful and uncomfortable at the same time.

I clinched my jaw to hold back any screams, sweats were already forming on my forehead, I took the pillow and hugged it tightly, trying to find a comfortable position.

Another punch was thrown on my back, the joints of my spine were scratching against each other, making me turn to lay on my right side.

My thighs started to pulse, the need to pee was overwhelming, yet it burns my insides.

I let out a few sobs, but kept quiet, I am still aware of my whereabouts, and I didn't want to cause noises.

The door opened and I closed my eyes tightly, the pain traveled to my head, my brain felt like needles were pointing at it, I want everything to explode, I want to die right then and there.

"Hey," a soothing male voice came from behind, a hand removed the sticky hair from my face, "Do you want help?"

I couldn't stop it, I let out a gurgled scream, my brain was slowly expanding and it felt like a mini explosion interrupted in there.

"Y-yes!" I sobbed.

Instead of calling for my mate like I thought the man would, he walked to the other side of the bed and pulled me closer, rubbing my back soothingly.

I stiffened, but couldn't utter a word, the pressure in my brain was surreal that it stopped me from talking, the only thing I can do is release the yells and screams.

"I- j- b-" My lips trembled as I tried to say anything, but no words were allowed to escape.

"Shhh, it's okay, I got you." He kissed my cheeks.

NO! I want mate!

My whole body went numb, I felt small kisses went down from my cheeks to my necks, the man laid me on my back and kissed his way to my stomach. Darkness filled the room, so I couldn't see his face, only the outline of his body.

The affection was helping and the pain lessened, but no man can keep me away from wanting my mate. This man was not my mate.

I screamed as I felt like a hand came out of my vagina, scratching and biting my sensitive flesh.

The man ripped my nightgown and devoured my skin, showering it with kisses and tender touches, he whispers how beautiful I am, how I need to be treated the way every she-wolf should, how lucky my future mate will be to have me.

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