#20 Jaden ✔

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Jane's POV

I took a deep breath, staring at my full reflection.

Today is the day..

I looked different than most days, I was wearing dark pants and a black shirt, my hair was tide up in a pony tail, and braided the rest. I looked powerful. Strong. Like I could kick some ass.

I smirked confidently, taking a fighting stand and growled at myself.

I heard a stifle of chuckle, which caused me to turn around and saw Hades lean against the doorframe, with his arms crossed.

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah, I was just preparing myself."

He nodded with a pursed lips, though I can see a faint grin, "Alright," he doesn't sound like he believed a word, "Let's go."

I followed him downstairs and to his car, I got inside and buckled my seatbelt, waiting for Hades to drive us to our destination.

I didn't think this day would come, I thought I'd be stuck in our house forever, and only get to visit Evangeline, but I was wrong.

Now we're going to a place where only the most strong werewolves gather. For training.

I was going to train. To learn how to fight. To defend myself.

I smiled softly, my eyes drank the view of the trees. No matter how much I've seen nature, it will always fascinates me, how they are so independent, nothing will stop them from surviving, nothing but death. I always see nature as a sign of life. I mean, it is... nevermind.

Hades cleared his voice but stayed silent.

I glanced at him and smiled happily, I remember telling him before going to sleep that learning to fight will benefit me, it will help me defend myself if necessary. And I wanted to learn. He didn't think twice before agreeing.

"Can you not smile at me like that?" He voiced out.

I snapped back, blushing a little, "Like what?" I chuckled.

"Like a creep."

I crossed my arms, and faced straight, "I don't smile like a creep."

"You don't." He pointed out, "But for some reason, you did ten seconds ago."

I tried to hide my smile, "Was it a pretty creepy smile though?"


My eyes widened, a blush immediately made its way to my cheeks, "Oh." I didn't expect that.

"Wow, for once you are speechless." He exaggerated.

I chuckled nervously, "Do I really talk that much?"

He sighed, "You even talk when you're asleep." He muttered.

Oh no!

I kept quiet and stared at the trees again, but my mind was occupied with the guy driving this car.

When we arrived in the training field, I was filled with nervousness and worry.

What if I do something wrong and make a fool of myself? What if I don't seem strong enough? What if they're annoyed that I came, because I'm wasting their time in the end?

"H-hades, I don't think this is a good idea." I stuttered, sitting still.

I glanced at him and met glare, pursing his lips, "Get out."

"But-" I tried to protest.

"No buts Jane, get out before you anger me more," he growled, "Do you want to be called weak omega for the rest of your life? This is your chance to become stronger and show them what a true Luna looks like." His eyes scolded me.

But I have the right to be nervous right?

"Hades, what if this isn't my thing?" I mumbled, "Most of my life I have only thought about food for survival, I never had to defend myself or fought someone, I don't know anything about battles or-" He grabbed my cheeks and slammed his lips with mine.

My heart stopped and tightened, I closed my eyes tightly and kissed him back, but the kiss ended five seconds later. Too soon for me.

Damn the sparks.

When he pulled back, he quickly shut off the engine and exited his car, walking to my door and opened it for me, offering me his hand to take.

My heart was still beating fast, I tried my best to stop the grin from appearing on my face, I didn't want to ruin the moment.

I took his hand in mine and stepped outside, he gave me a firm look for encouragement, but seriously it looks like he's going to eat me alive.

We walked together towards a guy who was yelling curses at two wolves.

My eyes glanced around at the wolves training, some of them were laughing but most of them were fighting, or coaching.

"C'mon C'mon! Kick em in the curb boyh! My daughter fights better than that, and she's only twelve!" The man in grey shirt and black trousers yelled.

"Tucker," Hades called him.

The man turned around and looked surprised when he saw Hades.

"Alpha." He fast walked towards us and bowed, "Luna."

I smiled and nodded, "Hello."

"I brought the Luna here for training."

Tucker's eyes widened, "Oh yes of course!" He looked at me, "Jaden is waiting for you."

Jaden. A man is going to train me.

I glanced at Hades only to see him looking back at me, I gave him a small wave, then stepped closer to Tucker.

"Don't disappoint me Tucker, I want her to learn something by the end of the day." Hades spoke firmly.

Tucker nodded, "Yes Alpha, Jaden is a great coach, you can count on him."

Hades nodded back and turned around without glancing at me, I watched him get in his car and leave.

"Well Luna, are you ready to fight?" He elbowed me teasingly.

I nodded quickly, "Sir yes sir!"

He chuckled in surprise, "Wow, didn't expect that," he nodded his head towards the left, "Let's go, it's right over there."

I walked beside him in silence, we were approaching a wide building. When we entered, it looked like an indoor training field, full of mats, long bags that some men and women were punching, machines that helped them run, and other weird things.

"Jaden! Over here!" Tucker yelled.

A boy not even older than me turned around, I instantly knew those familiar blue eyes.


The boy from Omega land.

He's my coach?!


Read chapter 3 and you'll remember the poor guy😂 ya'll had forgotten him didn't you?... *looks nervous* unlike me heh, yeah *gets sweaty* it's not like I chose him because his character randomly popped inside my head😅😅 Yeah, it's nothing like that.

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