#43 I'm back ✔

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Jane's POV

I closed the door behind me, following Hades to the living room, he placed his hands on his hips and scowled at me.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having visions?" He scolded.

"And weird voices." I added.

His glare sharpened.

I squirmed under his deadly gaze, "Listen, I don't have time to explain," I turned around, "I wanna get some sleep tonight, because I will remember everything that ever happened in my life," I bursted through our room, "There's no time for chattin, so let's get nappin." I suggested with a sweet smile as I stood beside the bed.

He fought against the hard glare, but eventually gave up under my magic words and chuckled, shaking his head, "Unbelievable." He mumbled under his breath.

My smile couldn't have been wider, excitement surged through me. I'll finally get my memories back! Gaaah!

I squealed loudly, jumping on my spot, while patting the bed like a crazy person.

Hades laughed as he held my wrists and placed them down, bringing his face near mine. I pushed my tongue out, "Poop."

"Did you drink something behind my back?" He asked warily.

"Ne Na Nooooo." My mouth stayed in an O shape. My head felt dizzy from the trip.

He pulled back slightly, "Are you okay? Your eyes look-"

I placed a finger on his lips, "Shhhhhh, be quiet." I slurred.

"I wasn't-"


"Jane, enough with the-"

"Stupid!" I whined.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Who are you calling stupid?"

I covered my face with my palms, "No one."

"You are definitely hallucinating." He affirmed.

"No! I'm not Hellutating." My voice muffled.

I felt a kiss on my forehead, "Get some sleep mate."

I peeked between my fingers, "Hades," I mumbled, watching him cover his eyes with his arm, "Aren't you going to warn me from anything? Or at least tell me what I'll be expecting?" I am nervous even if excitment was above all.

He removed his arm and stared at me, "You are free to judge me." He stated.

"Why would I judge you?"

He took my hand, "Let's just say I didn't know the mark will be our cure, so I treated you the way I used to treat you before to return your memories, but it didn't work out. I treated you very badly." He repeated the last sentence, putting a deep meaning to it.

Slight fear settled in my heart, "How badly?"

Did he hit me? Or possibly raped me?

His eyes darkened, "I would never." He growled viciously.

He noticed the terror in my eyes and tried to ease the tension, "In fact, you were the one who forced yourself on me."

"What?" I asked in disbelief, but oh how I believed him. That does sound like me.

He chuckled, "Do not worry, once you remember everything, you can put two and two together on your own. Turn it into a game for you to solve."

I smiled at his suggestion, "I will. I will become.. um, who do you call a person who solves mysteries?"

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