#22 What did you do? ✔

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Jane's POV

I watch Hades place his mug on the sink and walked towards the door.

"Hades," I called him, "Can I visit the pack house today?"

He turned to face me, "Why?"

"Because I want to." I answered a little hesitantly.

He thought for a moment, then sighed, "Alright."

I jumped involuntarily, "Thank you!" I said excitedly, and hugged his waist.

He paused before patting my back awkwardly, "Uh yes well, I have to go now, I'll tell Evangeline to pick you up." He informed then left. 

I giggled and ran to our room, I picked a beautiful purple dress and put it on, I combed my hair quickly with my fingers, wincing every time it gets stuck. I ran back to the living room, shutting off the lights and waited outside the house.

I started humming, while patting my foot to the rhythm.

I heard a car driving from a far, I waited patiently while the yellow car rounded the house and stopped in front of me.

I didn't question the odd color of the car and stepped inside, I was momentarily shocked by Evangeline's tearful eyes.

"Evangeline, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" I gasped.

She pursed her trembled lips, "It- it's not me." She tried to assure me.

"Tell me then, who?!" I snapped out of worry and panic.

She gulped, "It's Layla, she fainted out of nowhere while she was playing with the pups, we immediately rushed her to the Healer."

"And?" I asked.

She shook her head, "She said t-that she's ill," she looked at me, a tear escaped her eye, "Very ill."


No one was allowed to enter her room, her mate won't let anyone near her, I still remember his pissed off tearful eyes when we barged in, the yells he threw for us to get out, but I literally cannot forget Layla's pale face.

I watched Evangeline pacing around the hallway, muttering few curses then stops for a second, only to continue pacing back and forth.

"So is that it?" I asked, "Are we going to wait outside until her mate feels like he could let us in?"

I can understand his pain, but he needs to understand ours too.

She shook her head, "He'll never let us in."

I sighed, "Then how are we going to see her?"

She stopped and her eyes snapped in mine, "Uh well there is one idea."

I waved at her to continue.

"Have you ever tried using your Luna voice?" She asked nervously.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "My what?"

Luna voice? I can use another voice?

She licked her lips, "Your Luna voice. It's like when your mate uses his alpha tone to order wolves, they'll have no choice but to do it." She started pacing again, "If you use your Luna voice on him, he'll have no choice but to obey."

I shook my head, "But I don't wanna force him to stay away from his mate."

"He doesn't have to stay away, he just has to let us in."

I shrugged, "But I don't know how to use the Luna voice."

She glanced at my neck, groaning in frustration, "Ugh the alpha didn't even mark you yet!" She held her head, "This won't do."

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