#38 A bruise ✔

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One month later

Jane's POV

I entered the room after Hades, I have been craving his ass for so long that I couldn't stop myself.

I took off my gown and pushed him forcefully on the closet, taking him by surpirse, quickly tying one of his wrist to the door knob, his eyes widened at the sudden movement, I heard a little gasp coming from his delicious lips, I captured it immediately.

Moaning loudly against him, my hands went wild with trying to rip his shirt off, it worked a little, but right when the sound of rip reached his ears, he stiffens and pushed me harshly, "Ow!" my bum hit the floor. Not again!

His eyes were dark, but they weren't full of lust. Oh no. It was something more dangerous. Anger.

I gulped as I watched him furiously untying the gown and take a step closer, following his action, I took a step back; well crawled backwards.

I opened my mouth to talk when he raised his hand; a sign to shut me up.

He gave me a dark look; a look that was clouded with anger and frustration.

What's wrong with him? This is the second time he gets angry.

I finally spoke, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you cared so much for that shirt."

He closed his eyes and breathed out sharply, "Just leave."

I felt a rush of anger rise within me, I stood up and stared at him challenging. Face to face. Eye to eye.

"No." I stomped my foot on the ground stubbornly.

He growled, "Leave, before I-"

"Before what huh?!" I pointed my finger at his vicious glare, "Not until you tell me what's wrong!"

He growled louder this time, causing me to jump away from him, "Hades!" I scolded.

"Leave!" He yelled.

I stared at his face. He is being very serious. "Fine!" My voice cracked a little, eyes tearing up but they never fell.

His face softened a little, but the harshness in his eyes never ceased. I held my head up high, took my gown and walked out of the room, holding my shaking breaths till I reached the front door.

"I'm leaving." I croaked.

I closed the door behind me.


"Luna what are you doing?" A guard asked.

I smiled softly, "Do not worry, I am just smelling some fresh air, and I wanted to see my pack." I simply explained.

He wore an understandable look, pursing his lips, "I apologize, but the alpha gave us strict orders about you wondering around, does he know about this?"

I wanted to be honest with him, but I stopped myself from spilling; the pack does not need to know the problems happening between us, it will only worry them and probably cause trouble.. I don't know how packs work, but I am sure I have to lie in this situation.

"Oh yes, he does." I answered smiling.

I think he noticed my hesitation, because he furrowed his eyebrows, "Alright, I will just ask to be sure-"

"No." I raised my hand, immediately dropping it down when I noticed, "The alpha does not want to be disturbed, he's in a bad mood, and believe me-" I leaned closer, "You do not want to face his wrath."

His face got paler, "Right, thank you for the warning Luna."

I smiling and nodded, "Anytime." And continued my walk.

I returned back home when it was near sunset, I was welcomed with silence; Hades must have left for alpha duties. I sighed tiredly and entered the kitchen.

After dinner, I entered the bedroom and quickly changed into a nightgown, jumped on the bed and slept.


Next morning rolled in, and I rolled with it until my body fell from the bed and banged the floor painfully.

"Why?" I whined, rubbing my tired eyes, I dragged myself back to bed, "Hmm?" I peaked to my right and saw the spot empty.

Where is he?

I laid for a couple of minutes to think.

Did he return home last night?

I pursed my lips, Is he still annoyed because of that shirt?

I know there's more to it, he couldn't be angry because of a stupid shirt I ripped- sure it was wrong of me to do that, but it wasn't the reason for his anger.

After I was done refreshing myself in the bathroom, I walked downstairs towards the kitchen and made myself green tea, then walked outside.

I smelled the morning air, my nose sniffed another scent which caught me off guard.

I placed the mug on the front deck and walked slowly towards the trees, my heart pounced against my chest as I tried to convince myself nothing was out there.

But that scent - it was.. exotic

Just as I was about to enter the woods, a voice stopped me, "Jane."

"Yes?" I turned to my left only to face Hades.

He crossed his hands, tilting his head, "Where do you think you're going?"

I crossed my hands against my chest and stayed silent.

"I asked you a question." His voice deepened.

Why is he so short tempered all of a sudden?!

Nope. Not gonna answer.

My eyes followed his steps as he approached me with quick long strides, and my eyes widened when his hand grabbed the back of my neck and crashed his lips against mine. In an unacceptable- most passionate- most unnerving kiss ever.

I got mixed feelings with this kiss. His lips moved fast and hard against mine, causing me more pain that pleasure when I felt my teeth pressed against my flesh.

I tried pushing him off me, but his other hand gripped my waist and pulled me closer.

"Hdmm." I mumbled, the pain only worsened.

This is gonna bruise for sure..

I squealed at the hard pressure, he angled his face, never tried to deepen the kiss, tears formed in my eyes and fell uncontrollably, he felt out of control.

I punched his shoulders bunch of times until he pulled himself away, my legs couldn't hold my weight as I fell on the ground and started whimpering, my lips were numb. Do not cry do not cry do not cry-

"Jane I am so sorry-" He stuttered, his hands were shaking, "I- I just wanted-"

I stood up abruptly and pushed him with every power I have, "Stay away from me!" I screamed, fast walking towards the house.

I touched the soft flesh of my swollen lips and saw blood.

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