#33 Dead ✔

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Last chapter was short.. so here's this for you precious readers ❣

Jane's POV

"No, I won't ever drink that thing." I crossed my arms.

Hades raised an eyebrow, "Ever? Are you sure?"

I didn't say anything and kept staring at the thing he calls medicine. I caught a small flu since last night and he brought me that stinky smelly liquid that I will never drink to cure me.

"Jane." He called me with a warning glare.

"Hades." I mimicked his look.

"Come here." He nodded for me to come.

I shook my head, "No, you cannot force me."

He sighed annoyingly, "I will not tolerate your childish behavior, you need to drink this in order to get well."

"How is it possible for me to get sick?! I didn't do anything." I exaggerated.

"Because it's summer and your wolf is adjusting to the heat, now are you going to drink this and let me go to work in peace?" He pleaded.

I pouted, "But it's terrible, it makes me want to gag."

He stiffens, "I'll make sure to give you another thing to gag on. Now drink it."

My heart drummed fast, "What does that mean?" I knew exactly what he meant.

His eyes darkened, "Jane, stop changing the subject and drink your medicine." He growled.

I sighed in defeat, slowly walking towards him, I forcefully pushed my hand out to take the spoon, holding it firmly, "Hana, dul, set." And drank it, my throat refused to swallow it, causing me to taste the awful medicine, which caused me to gag.

"Swallow it." He demanded.

I obeyed.

"Hades I'm going to puke! I need a trashcan! Now!" I fanned my face.

Hades didn't move, only stared at my face in tiredness, "Good girl, now I can leave." Walking out of the kitchen.

"Hades, can I drink water after this?"

"Yes, you can."

Immediately filling a glass of water, I chugged it all at once, the bitter taste decreased, but it still made me cringe.

Never again.

"Hey um Hades!" I yelled.

"Yes?" I heard him answer from our room.

I ran upstairs, "Are you going to return home late?"

"Yes, why?" I saw him taking off his shirt.

The scars were still a huge mystery for me, I wanted to ask him many times but always held myself back. Nevertheless, they look beautiful on him.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Shifting my weight from side to side.

He glanced at me sideways, "And what is that?"

"We'll talk when you come home, it will take us some time and I don't want you getting late."

He chuckled, "I'm already late."

I felt slightly guilty, "Yeah sorry, but I don't want you getting more late."

He nodded, "Alright," he walked forward and pulled me in a lovely kiss, "I'll try coming home early."

I sighed dreamily, placing my hand on his shoulder, it slipped off as he walked out of the room. Why do I always feel like something bad is going to happen to him? Always on edge and worry for his safety. I know he is strong and can handle himself. Yet, I still fill my mind with scary assumptions.

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