#31 Fire ✔

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Jane's POV

I have never been this scared of my own mate. I understood his anger, but never his actions. What he did was madness.

The moment Travis spoke those words, Hades didn't hesitate to attack, Ezra didn't step in immediately, but surely stopped Hades before he could kill him.

Travis helped me in my heat? Why? Where was Hades?

Evangeline and Travis were in the kitchen, somehow she managed to lift his weight with ease. Layla and I followed behind her, but she stopped us; she wanted to have a moment with her brother.

Layla sighed, "Well that was some soap opera shit that just happened." She chuckled.

I placed my elbows on my knees, and rested my head on my hands, "When did all of this happen? I am so confused."

We stayed silent for a while, before Layla took my hand and pulled me upstairs, "Um Layla.."

"I'm gonna explain shit to you from the beginning."

When we settled down on the bed, I stared at her carefully, "Okay I'm ready."

"You probably know most of it I guess," she mumbled, "This is the second time you forget, and before that, Hades tried to bring back your memories by re-acting everything, obviously that didn't work," She held my hands, "Jane, you might think Hades doesn't like you but he does, I don't know to what extinct- coz like he's so confusing as fuck, but I know he cares deeply for you."

I nodded, "I know that."

She smiled, "Well, you didn't before the incident, he treated you like shit, he made you cry, he hurt your feelings and made you think your a burden, he pushed your buttons, h-he probably did a lot more if you kept something from us- I don't know. But all I know is that he wasn't what he is now, he changed. For the good of course. He cares and all that, but I just wanted you to know that he made you stay at Evan's when your heat came, that's when Travis found you hurting and helped you. I don't know what exactly happened, but he told us it didn't mean anything, that he just wanted to help."

I took a deep breath, and touched my neck, she noticed the move and nodded, "Yeah, I have no idea why he hasn't marked you yet, but from the faint mark, I believe he marked your wolf." She stated, nodding her head approvingly.

I dropped my hand and smiled gratefully, "Thank you Layla for being honest, I hope we can hangout more to get back to being friends."

She smiled excitedly, "Of course!"

"Layla, Jane," Someone knocked twice, "What are you doing here?" Beta Ezra asked, "Hades is going crazy, he needs you." He said to me.

I took a deep breath, "Okay."

I stepped downstairs and to the front door, I saw Hades laying on the ground facing the sky, I walked closer and laid beside him, he immediately pulled me towards him.

He sniffed my neck, "Why didn't you tell me? Why would you keep this from me?" His voice slightly muffled, but it described his pain and frustration.

"I don't know. I wouldn't know. But let me think," I pressed a finger on my chin, "Hmm, he's Evangeline's brother and it would suck if you killed him."

He growled, "He touched you."

"He helped me."

He closed his eyes, sighing deeply then stared back at the blue sky, "I don't want to kill him. He's my best friend, and it kills me to know he's the helper, my wolf is going crazy." He muttered.

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