#30 Help ✔

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Jane's POV

"Did he ask for anything else?" Beta Ezra asked, he was a red headed man, striking hazel eyes with an Irish accent.

I shook my head, "No, just that he wanted me to bring back the dead."

We were seated in Hades's office, where they interrogated me about the incident.

"What's his name again?" Hades asked.

"Alpha Ryder." I answered.

He pursed his lips, "We are going back there tomorrow with the Warriors this time, he'll still be there, it will take him more than a day to move the whole pack."

"And if he is not there?" I asked.

He grinned evily, "There cannot be an alpha with no pack. If he leaves his pack, it will be a welcoming gift for me."

"Finders keepers, losers weepers." A female voice chimed in.

I glanced at the door and saw a beautiful lady with brown curls that hugged her head perfectly, her skin glowed as she saw me, she smiled widely, "Hello Jane."

I stood up and studied her features carefully, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to remember, "Hello.. you."

She chuckled and stepped in front of me, "When Ezra told me he found you, you have no idea how hard I tried to restrain myself from running to you," She bit her lip, "But somebody told me that you needed to rest." She glanced at Beta Ezra.

Why would she call him by his name?

I glanced between them both, feeling confused. I can feel the chemistry between them, but I'm not sure.

"Are you-?" I pointed at them.

"Mates?" She finished, "Yes, Yes we are."

Well that makes sense.

"Alright then, it is settled. Ezra, gather the head Warriors and hunters for a meeting in an hour." Hades ordered.

Beta Ezra nodded and walked past me and the girl, pinching her waist lightly causing her to squeal, "Ezra." She hissed, he chuckled and left, closing the door behind him.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously.

She smiled sadly, "That's the third time you ask," She immediately shook her head, "Evangeline, but you can call me Evan."

Fire~ a voice whispered.

"Huh?" I breathe, taking a step back.

"I said you can call me Evan," She explained again, "It's way better than Evangeline, too long in my opinion."

"Are you okay?" Hades asked worriedly.

I smiled, waving it off, "I'm fine, just a little headache." Rubbing my temple.

"Get some rest," Evan advised, "You need it." She quickly kissed my cheek then left the room.

Hades walked in front of me and gripped my shoulders firmly, his eyes unwavering, "Your eyes are a bit unfocused." He mumbled.

"I thought I heard something." I mumbled.

"What did you hear?" He asked curiously.

"Fire." I whispered, closing my eyes as a small headache started to form.

Hades didn't say anything, when I opened my eyes, I saw him staring at me worriedly.


"You heard someone say fire?" He asked.

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