#6 Mate bond ✔

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Jane's POV

I was woken up by a cold water slapping my skin, my eyes shot open, coughing while trying to breath. I looked up to see mate standing in front of me with an expressionless look, and a bucket in his hand.

"Get inside. Now." He demanded firmly.

I shivered as a hard cold wind brushed my skin, my feet went numb after seconds and I couldn't feel them.

"I-I can't s-stand up. M-My feet a-are numb." I spoke with a shaking voice, my teeth cluttered together, I was shaking from head to toe.

My skin stung everytime the wind hits it, my toes were too quick to turn a scary shade of blue, I was shivering while mate stood in front of me with a pursed lips.

What's wrong with him?!

I closed my eyes only to feel heat next to me, I glanced to my side and saw him sitting beside me.

"I guess we'll have to wait until your feet gets better."

My eyes widened a little, "b-but.."

He glared at me, "What? You thought I was going to carry you?" He chuckled coldly, "Think again omega." He spit the words with so much hatred.

My eyes stung with tears, I held back a cry and gazed down at my lap, I brought my knees to my chest and rubbed my aching foot. I looked at him for comfort, but he ignored me and looked up to the sky.

I paused and studied his face, his structure was carefully made by the goddess herself, having pale skin, high cheekbones, a strong sharp jaw, his lips are just perfect to my eyes, his lashes are long and thick. He looked untouchable.

"W-why are you doing th-this to me?" I stuttered, my bones were freezing.

"You need to toughen up weakling, you might me my mate, but you are no fit to be a Luna." He pursed his lips, "It will be a long process, a hard one, but there's no other choice. I will not have an omega destroy my pack."

"Y-You make it s-sound like I had a ch-choice." I inhaled.

He chuckled humorlessly, "You were raised by omegas, it's no different."

I frowned, "My father," I paused, "w-where is my father going t-to sleep?"

How could I forget my own father?!

"He lost his mate, didn't he?" He asked, but he sounded so sure.

I nodded, "He did." The wind brushed my wet clothes, making me shiver.

"Is he dangerous?"

I shook my head, "N-no he i-isn't. Well, u-unless they stay away from him, th-they would be unharmed."

"It wouldn't take him long."

I looked at him confusedly, "Take him long? F-for what?"

"To end his own life." He answered as if it wouldn't affect me.

My eyes widened at his words. Most of my life I watched my father tried to take his life many time, but I have always been there on time to save him, now I wouldn't be able to see him much. Hopefully, mate would send someone to take care of him. But he doesn't seem like the person who enjoys helping others.

I stoop up swiftly, blood rushing all over my body as I started to panic, "N-no." I whispered, "H-he can't do that! Please help him! P-please, he n-needs someone t-to look after him." I begged.

Hades stood up, looking down at me with a snarl, "We don't have babysitter for suicidal wolves. I am not risking my people just to save your weak father."

Tears gathered in my eyes again, "Are you purposely trying to hurt me?" I accused.

"I'll be waiting inside." He spoke and entered the house, leaving me alone in the cold. Also leaving the door open.

I won't stop until I am assured of my father's safety.

It didn't take long before I followed him, I was greeted by a warm atmosphere, as I walked to the left I noticed it was a room full of couches and sofas, I took a turn from there and found a kitchen, and another door, I opened it and saw the front door that I entered from, hmm, this is interesting.

I passed the front door and went straight towards another room that held more sofas, and a fire place. There stood Hades, sitting on one of the sofas, next to the fire. The yellow glow colored his skin with a soft and warming shade, it made me tingle and shiver.

Calm down Jane.

I didn't dare take another step forward, afraid that he might object and embarrass me with a comment, I stood there waiting for him to notice me. When he didn't, I cleared my voice.

His head turned to face me, his hand waved at me to come closer, which made me nervous. I took few steps and stopped in front of him.

"What are you just standing there? Do you not want to warm yourself?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me, his eyes looked at me as if I was stupid.

I blushed embarrassingly and walked closer to the fire and squatted, it took me forever before I felt completely warm, and the fire started to burn my face, I stood and faced Hades.

He got up and nodded for me to follow him. We walked closer to a stair that got us to the first floor, taking the first turn left, I saw a dark wooden door, with a golden door knob.

Hades opened the door and entered the room, "This will be where you sleep," he informed, "This used to be my room, but now it is ours."

Sex! Was the first thought that ran through my mind, which made me blush furiously.

Why am I doing this to myself?

I bit my lip and looked around the room, but I couldn't pay attention, when my mind was picturing a lot of sceneries with me in bed, and mate on top of me, both of us sweating and breathing heavily.

All of a sudden, I craved for his touch.

I walked closer to him, taking cautious steps, while he glares at my movements. Once I was close enough, my hands reached up to touch his face, he didn't move, nor did his eyes demanded me to stop.

I palmed his cheek, and sparks engined my heartbeat, it spread through my veins, and every muscle started to tingle, I suddenly felt alive, my soul felt light and shining, I closed my eyes and grabbed his face with both of my hands, I leaned my forehead against his chest, breathing his scent. His heartbeat. It was beating fast.

A smile tugged on my lips, knowing what I just went through, he felt it too. Thanking the moongoddess for the mate bond.


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