#13 Makeup ✔

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Jane's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, breathing heavily, sweats covered my neck and forehead. I shook my head, another nightmare. A nightmare I cannot remember.

"What- When?! Where?!!" Hades sat straight, his eyes half opened, looking around the room in total confusion.

I bit my lip, preventing myself from talking, while watching my mate rub his eyes and laid back down, "What?" He whispered to himself.

I raised an eyebrow, I couldn't stop myself from giggling, his face was so funny and lost, while his eye were half opened, his mouth was slightly apart too, looking like someone who was about to sneeze.

He opened his eyes and looked at me, frowning, "Why are you laughing?"

I covered my mouth with my lips, feeling tears gather while I held myself together. Do not laugh, don't laugh! Please don't laugh..

When I saw a soft confused grin on his lips, I just burst out laughing my ass off, one hand held my aching stomach, while the other tapped on the bed, my voice rang through the silent room, loud harsh laugh, a few snorts in between.

I closed my eyes; I couldn't open them while I let out a full belly laugh, couldn't speak nor inhale.

Calm down Jane!

I snickered, holding back some laughs, and took a deep breath, I rubbed my tired face, "Oh goddess, that was gold."

"Well, it surely couldn't catch up with your snorts." He fired back.

I chuckled, blushing hard, "Hey! They just come out, if only I can control them." I turned to my side and faced him.

He rolled his eyes, "There's something wrong with your nose." He stated.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?" I touched my nose, "I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

He raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

This time, it was me who did the eye rolling, "I'm not sure, but my parents used to tell me that I snore a lot when I laugh ever since I did." I shrugged a shoulder.

He snickered, "That must have been entertaining for them."

I nodded, "Yeah, they laughed at me a lot of times." I smiled sadly.

He stared at me for a few seconds in complete and utter silence, his eyes studied mine intensely, looking deep under and behind my walls.

Although I really wanted to continue our conversation, I didn't want him to look at me like that anymore, it felt unsettling. Like he was unraveling me without my permission.

I yawned, "Well, it's still late. Goodnight." I closed my eyes and sleep quickly found me.


My fingers tapped on my lap nervously as I watched two girls pacing in the living room, they both looked gorgeous. The first one has curly light brown hair with light bluish green eyes, while the other girl has long black hair and navy blue eyes, almost black. Beautiful.

I don't know them, they just knocked on the front door, barged in, gave me a quick bow and pulled me to the living room where I'm currently in, and started talking to each other, ignoring my presence and paced around like crazy lunatics.

"Is there time?" Curly hair asked.

Black hair nodded, "Yes, a little, but there's enough."

Curly placed her hands on her hips, looking up at the ceiling, "What have I gotten myself into?" She groaned.

Black hair rolled her eyes, "I don't know, but you just couldn't help but drag me with you huh?"

Curly hair glanced back down at her and smirk, "I will always keep my promise bitch."

Black hair growled, "Right."

"Can someone explain?" I asked shyly.

They both snapped their eyes at me, Curly took a deep breath, "Right, I forgot. So sorry." She sat down next to me, "Not the best first impression, but I can't really redo it," she shrugged, "My name is Evangeline, Ezra's mate."

I gasped, "You are Beta Ezra's mate!? I have been dying to meet you!" I smiled widely.

She chuckled, clapping her hands in excitement, "Yay! you seem like a happy person, unlike the alpha." She rolled her eyes.

I blushed, "How are you feeling? Beta Ezra said you were sick the day of the ceremony." I asked worriedly.

She pursed her lips, "Yeah, that tough virus got to me damn it! If only I didn't accept that dare and didn't jump on the lake," She muttered quietly, "So freezing cold."

I smiled, loving her already.

Black hair cleared her voice, "Hello, want to Know about me?" She smiled cheerfully.

I chuckled, nodding my head eagerly.

"Well, I am-"

"Not really important." Evangeline finished.

Black hair glared at Evangeline, "Oh wow Evan, I am dying of laughter. Ha ha ha. So funny." She spoke sarcastically.

I giggled, "Well, it was nice to meet you not really important."

Her eyes widened, looking at me offended.

Evangeline burst out laughing, "Yes! That's what I'm talking about!"

Black hair groaned, "Not you too, do not get pulled into the dark side Luna. She's bad news."

"Says the one who got her mate jealous by drawing a fake mark on herself." Evan fired back.

"It was for reasonable reasons." She crossed her hands.

"Pfft, okay, sleep on that." Evan turned to me, "How about we tell you about our sudden visit?"

I nodded, "I don't mind," I faced Black hair, "But I really want to know your name."

She grinned, "Layla." I smiled back.

"Okay now explain."

Evan cleared her voice, "Well, there's the big news, and then there's the bad news." She informed.

"What's the big news?" I asked.

She grinned, "You are going to meet the Elders today, and few Alphas and Lunas from other packs."

My eyes widened, the Elders.. Oh my

I frowned, "And the bad news?" I asked warily.

She winced, "You are yet unmarked. Which isn't a good sign for them."

"What?" I whispered, shocked.

"They know that Alpha met you more than a week ago, and he still hasn't marked you. Not good for the Elders." She shook her head, "For them, it either means A) your relationship isn't working and it will weaken the pack, or B) you are defying the moon's bond. Either way, it won't end well if they knew."

I slightly panicked, "How will it end?"

Her lips turned into a grim, "They will make him take you in front of them. With or against your will."

My lips parted in shock, they would do that?

"What should I do then?! How am I supposed to meet them?!" I panicked. Looking at both females for help.

Layla placed her hand on my shoulder, "That's why we are here, to help you."

I gulped, "What are we going to do?"

Navy Blue eyes twinkled with excitement, "Now, you are about to witness the power of makeup."


Yaaas, these girls ugh gonna love them even more later

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