#8 Day one ✔

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Sally's song-  Nightmare before Christmas

Jane's POV

I entered the kitchen with a pursed lips, standing awkwardly by the door while fiddling with my fingers.

There was one plate on the dark wood table, I stared at it confusedly, "Where's my plate?" I asked Hades, who was rummaging through the drawers.

He grabbed a fork, a spoon, and a knife, placing them near the plate. He lift his head up, silver eyes met mine, "This is your plate." He looked back down at the knife, and took a moment to observe it, then finally grabbed it and placed it back in the drawer.

"Where is your plate then?" I asked.

He stood straight and faced me, "I already ate." And walked passed me.

I followed behind him, "Wait, where are you going?"

"You ask too much weakling." He muttered.

I froze, and glared at him annoyingly. He stopped by the front door and glanced at me, "Do not wait for me, I will be late." Then closed the door behind him.

I sighed, my shoulders slumped down, I trudged back to the kitchen and sat on the chair, I grabbed the spoon tightly, and studied it.

How do I eat with it?

I shrugged and placed it aside, I started eating the piece of meat with my bare hands.


I closed the door of the bedroom, walking through the hallway, I studied the pictures on the walls; drawings of unknown artists.

The first one was a drawing of a fierce black wolf, golden eyes glowing, mouth snarling towards me, his stance was stiff and angry, there were trees on both sides. I cringed at the nightmarish drawing. Well, the artist was angry.

The second one was a painting of a wolf howling on a cliff, while there was lights and buildings in the background that looked like a city.

The third picture made me freeze on my spot. The background showed chaos, everything was upside down, there was a white spaceship that was shooting, while two guys were fighting with laser swords, and there was these two robots. They were standing straight, smiling. One of them was a gold robot, while the other one was shorter and white, with few blue lines here and there.

I continued roaming around the house, discovering new rooms, until I got bored and ran downstairs, I hummed my way to the living room and sat on the sofa with a huff.

"What to do? What to do?" I muttered.

Closing my eyes, I sighed boredly, "la la la la la." I sang, smiling at myself, "I sense there's something in the wind,

That feels like tragedy's at hand,

And though I'd like to stand by him,

Can't shake this feeling that I have,

The worst is just around the bend,

And does he notice, my feelings for him?

And will he see, how much he means to me?

I think it's not to be," I sang, moving my fingers around with the music inside my head. I continued.

"What will become of my dear friend?

Where will his actions lead us then?

Although I'd like to join the crowd,

In their enthusiastic cloud,

Try as I may, it doesn't last,

And will we ever, end up together?

No I think not, it's never to become,

For I am not, the one." I sighed happily. A song I can't ever forget, it was my grandmother's choice to lullaby me to sleep, and it worked everytime.

Standing up, I stretched my lazy arms, and walked towards the front door, glancing outside. It was a bit dark, probably near sunset.

I let out a breath and walked back to our room, going straight to the mirror, I saw my reflection once more, I still get surprised by my looks, it was like I was looking at another girl, just another she-wolf.

My eyes slowly went down to my chest, then my stomach and legs, the clothes I was wearing covered me well, it was Hades white shirt, he wore this shirt. I smiled at the thought. Bringing the fabric to my nose and took a deep sniff.

Oh goddess this is addictive.

"Oh My." I whispered, and continued sniffing.

After long hours have passed, I went to bed and laid on my back, it felt weird since I was so used to hard floor, but I wasn't complaining.

I looked at my left; where my mate was supposed to be, but sadly found the spot empty, I stared at the ceiling and thought about waiting for him.

It wasn't that two hours passed that I have given up and fell asleep.


My eyes snapped open and sat straight, breathing heavily from the nightmare. I couldn't remember what I was dreaming about, but I didn't give an affort in trying to remember.

I glanced at the window and saw the sun has finally risen, brightening the room, I looked at my left and saw the empty spot once again.

I sighed tiredly and wiped the light sweats on my forehead, I laid back down and frowned.

Day two.


Well, this one was definitely a short chapter.


It really encourages me to continue..

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