#4 Moving Out ✔

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Jane's POV

It's him. It's really him.

Thoughts kept ringing in my head, I couldn't move; I was paralyzed by his silver eyes. So shiny.

His black hair soft and looks almost untouchable, too precious. His face, oh his face was so handsome, captivating, I almost ran over to him just to feel his face under my palms.

I didn't even dare to check out his body or else I wouldn't be able to control myself.

So handsome.

I gulped, feeling too overwhelmed by emotions, "m-ma-" I whispered, but he interrupted me.

"Anytime now?"

Goddess his voice...

He cleared his voice.

I snapped back to reality, oh right.

I turned back and saw there was a target 50 feet away, I took a stand, holding the knife back, aiming for the middle, I took a deep breath, ignoring his piercing eyes and threw the knife.

It landed below the black dot but I was happy with that, I took the second one and aimed it again, slightly changing my angle.

Hope this gets their attention.

I threw the knife and it landed above the middle, a little to the right. Taking the last try and inhaled a deep breath, narrowing my eyes at the target. I will get you.

And I did, I stood up straight and turned towards them, they seemed impressed by my skill and I was happy about that.

Yet, there was this feeling that things are about to change since I just figured out I was this man's mate. I believe he is the alpha.

They both looked at their alpha, while he stared at mine with a blank look, "She's my mate." He informed them.

Both of them widened their eyes as they stared at him, then snapped their eyes at me.

The one on the left had short red hair, and vibrating hazel eyes, while the other one had blond hair that was held back and blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. Both men stood tall and strong, yet their facial expressions described their disbelief as if they have let their walls down to engross the feeling.

What a shocker! 

Shyness settled in and I started fidgeting, I glanced down at my bare feet and froze.

Yes, I do need a pedicure.

I glanced at my mate and saw him mumbling something to his men, I was really curious but I stood in my place. Not moving an inch.

They stopped talking and focused their eyes on me, mate placed his hands behind his back and started walking towards me, his eyes were empty, yet that still made me feel giddy and excited.

"Things are going to change now that we have discovered you are my mate," he stopped in front of me, his body heat traveled towards mine, I couldn't help but shiver, "Pack your things and call your family members. You are coming to my pack." Then he left without a second glance.

I gulped, forcing myself to speak before he leaves, "What's your name?" I asked nervously.

He didn't stop and exited the room, leaving me alone and awkward with his two men. My eyes turned to them for answers.

"He is Alpha Hades." The blond one answered.

Hades.. I've heard that name-

The red-headed strode forward and kneeled in front of me, "Luna," he placed his palm on his chest, where his heart is, "I am beta Ezra, I shall keep you safe and secure, away from all danger. A vow I shall keep till death do us apart." He spoke with seriousness and determination, his voice was laced with a thick and unfamiliar accent. He sounded like a Viking, I suppose.

My eyes widened at his words, "No need for such thing, please do stand up," he stood straight, "call me Jane, I don't deserve a title that high, this is too much for me. One question though, beta Ezra." I held one finger.

He nodded silently.

"What is the whole purpose of this test? I am pretty sure that no alpha wants omegas for his pack." I gave him a pointed look.

He clenched his jaw, "It was the alpha's order, nothing more I can say."

I nodded understandingly, "Now what?"

"Now, pack your things and call your family, you will be moving to pack ten."


I got out from the car to stare at a brown tall fence, it almost reached the clouds, I gasped at the hight, thinking of how much time and effort they have put into building such a strong fence.

"Luna." Beta Ezra called.

I snapped my eyes back to his, before taking a deep breath and followed him to the gates. We walked in silence, I studied the fresh trees and the harmless animals that wandered around the bushes.

I glanced at Beta Ezra, wanting to ask many questions, "what is it like in pack ten?"

"If you are wondering about the wolves, then do not worry my Luna, no one shall dare disrespect you." He answered without removing his gaze from the gate that we were slowly nearing.

I shook my head, "Are they nice?"

A look of confusion crossed his face, "Nice? They will be nice to you." He confirmed.

I smiled, "Are they nice in general?"

The confusion never left his face, and it was starting to look funny, "Why would you like to know Luna?"

I shrugged, "Just curious," He nodded in response. "What about my mate? How is he?" My heart clenched at the word.

I finally found my mate.

He pursed his lips, "It's best if you figure him out instead my Luna."

I suppressed a giggle, "Okay."

Figure him out...

We entered the pack, two wolves stood on each side of the gate, bowing down, and tucking their tail, I smiled softly and nodded towards them.

Not after three seconds of entering the pack land, I asked, "Have you found your mate?"

He nodded, "Yes, I have."

I gushed, "Aw what's her name? How does she look like?! I really would like to meet her someday."

His lips tugged upward, "Her name is Evangeline."

I bit my lips, stopping myself from pinching his cheeks, "Is she beautiful?" I asked teasingly.

He stopped walking and looked at me, "Of course she is."

"What do feel every time you look at her?" I needed to know.

He slightly grinned, "I am not much of a poet Luna, but I feel like the luckiest man alive."

I felt something in my stomach, it was a ticklish feeling that made me giggle, "And the sparks? I heard it is the best thing about having a mate."

He shook his head, "It is best if you figure these things out by yourself, it is much better when you aren't prepared for it."

I blushed, "Sorry."

"Do not apologize. Come on, Alpha demanded me to drive you to his house directly."

"We have to drive there?! How far is it?" I asked shockingly.


Ezra is the cutest little thing.. Okay so maybe not little😅

But don't you just love a mated wolf?! They are the best thing ever!... in my opinion.

She finally moved out! Now we'll experience her journey with her.. she'll need the company😉🙄

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