#5 I'm hungry ✔

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Jane's POV

"What is it like to be a Beta?" I asked, sitting in the passenger's seat, while Ezra started the engine.

"It is a tough responsibility, but nothing I can't handle, I was born a beta and trained to be prepared for the position."

"Do you ever relax for a moment and not stress about the pack?" I asked curiously.

He shook his head, "No, there's no time to relax."

"Well, you should. Spend time with your mate, have fun." I suggested.

He chuckled, "Now you sound like her. She is going to like you, Luna, that I can guarantee you."

I smiled happily, "I already like her, I am sure she's amazing."

He nodded, "She is." He wore a content look on his face, it expressed his love for her.

We stayed quiet for a moment, but I couldn't stop the questions that kept flowing inside my head, "I know I am annoying you with these questions, but I am really new to this."

"It is fine, I will help you with anything Luna, always remember that." He glanced at me for a moment, and I saw the seriousness in his eyes.

I gulped, "Thank you. Um, why does the alpha live far away from his pack? Doesn't he have to be close to them?"

"Because he is highly ranked." He stated like it is the most obvious thing.


He sighed, "All high ranked wolves have their own houses, such as the Alpha, Beta, Sentinel, Elders, and the Assasins."

I frowned, "What about the others?"

"Warriors, Hunters, Healer, Chefs, Pup watchers, and the Non-Ranked lives in the pack house, you are going to meet them at the ceremony when the Alpha announces you as the Luna of the pack." He informed.

"What about the omegas?" I asked nervously.

He clenched his jaw, "We do not have omegas in the pack."

"Then what do you do to the wolves who disrespect the alpha?"

He didn't answer instantly and kept driving, I thought he wouldn't talk after this, but he did, "We kill them."

I stared at him with wide eyes, my jaw dropped down, I wanted to say a lot of things, but I couldn't voice it out.

We kill them.

That is so cruel. I thought.

"Turning them omegas or letting them be rogues is way much better in my opinion," I mumbled, gazing at the trees that kept passing us in a quick motion.

"I'm sure there will be few changes now that you are here Luna." There was a faint grin on his lips.

We didn't talk until we reached another tall fence, I couldn't compare it to the one that secured the pack, but there was one thing that made me wonder.

"There's a fence but no gate?" I asked confusedly.

He nodded, "The pack is already safe and secure with our fence, this one only claims his property."

I nodded understandingly.

He stopped the car and got out, I followed behind him and entered Hades's property.

There were even more trees, you wouldn't be able to differentiate between these trees and the forest, I almost got lost in them, the gate disappeared behind us, the more we walked further inside.

"Why are there so many trees on his property?" I asked confusedly, almost tripping over my face.

Beta Ezra held my arm to steady me, "He wanted to have his own forest, think of it as his playground, it puts his wolf at ease." He joked.

I giggled, "Okay."

We walked furthermore, and for a moment I thought we were lost, but thankfully Ezra spoke, "There it is, I believe I'm done here," he faced me, "The door is open, your mate will be waiting for you. Good luck." Then he left.

I gulped, and turned to see a beautiful garden in front of me, there was no trees, just fresh green grass, I took few steps forward and felt it under my feet, I looked around and saw many different types of roses, pink ones, red ones, purple ones, yellow ones, white ones... I was astonished.

I walked closer towards mate's house, suddenly my feet felt cold when it touched the hard floor, I frowned at it

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I walked closer towards mate's house, suddenly my feet felt cold when it touched the hard floor, I frowned at it.

I heard a cough which startled me, I glanced up with wide eyes, my heart skipped a beat as I saw my handsome mate waiting for me by the door.

"You're very slow." He commented.

"I'm mesmerized," I commented back without noticing.

He nodded, "Are you coming in?" He asked, keeping his eyes as empty as my stomach.

I shook my head, "Can I admire the view a little longer?" I asked shyly.

He raised his eyebrows, "Very well." He turned around and slammed the door harshly.

I froze and stared at the door for a moment, what was that all about?

I furrowed my eyebrows; confused by mate's action and walked towards the door, I stopped and looked at the doorknob, how does this work?

I pulled it, but nothing happened, I tried pushing the door, but it wouldn't budge, I tilted my head, completely interested in how am I going to enter this house.

"Mate!" I called, I looked closer through the glass, but I couldn't see him.

"Mate!" I tried calling again but to no avail.

I bit my lip, why am I being locked outside?

Slowly, my lips trembled as I tried to hold back the hurt, I took a step back and sat on the ground, I leaned my back against the wall, next to the door, praying that he would open the door for me before night.

I took a deep breath and glanced at the front view, as breathtaking as it is, I couldn't help but wonder about mate.

He was surely an eye candy, but there's something off about him.

I noticed how the weather is turning cold quickly, I knew it would take a week before it snows, the sky is already covered with grey clouds. If I was still with my father in my pack, I would've prayed for it to rain before it snows, so we could drink the goddess gift, and live another week, but now all I hope was to stay as dry as ever.

I glanced at the sky and sighed, "Mate." I called, my stomach made noises, which made me close my eyes.

I'm hungry.

I closed my tired eyes and fell asleep.



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