#32 Fear ✔

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Play it while Jane sings it.

Jane's POV

One week later

I went through different channels, until I got bored and closed it. TVs are so boring.

Suddenly, a song got stuck in my mind.

I hummed for a while, "It was like a nightmare,
and it's pain for me because, nobody wants to die too fast,
Remember the day of grief,
Now it's strange for me,
I could see you face,
I could hear your voice,
Remember the day we met,
and it's pain for me because, nobody wants to die too fast,
Remember the day we dreamt,
Now it's pain for me,
I could see your face,
I could hear your voice." I turned around slowly, moving my arms smoothly as the lullaby echoed inside my head, "Can't look back,
They will not come back,
Don't be afraid,
It's time after time,
So once again, I'm hiding in my room,
The peaceful times are what make us blind-" I froze on my spot, my eyes met grey ones.

How much did he hear?

He clapped his hands; applauding for me with a smile on his face, I blushed and fast walked towards the stairs, "You saw nothing!" I snapped.

He chuckled, "That was adorable." Following me.

I reached our room before him and barged in, closing the door behind me, "You shall not enter!"

He twisted the door knob and easily pushed the door open, while I tried to close it, he entered the room casually, his eyes searching for me while I stood behind the door.

"Now where are you hiding Jane?" He asked, his voice laced with amusement. He walked towards the bed and kneeled down, checking under it.

Wait? Wasn't it obvious that I'm here?

I took advantage of his back facing me and exited the room, with light footsteps, I managed to take three steps down, before two hands gripped my waist and pulled me up, placing me on his shoulder.

"Nooooo!" I exaggerated with my hand gestures.

Hades spanked my ass, "Shush mate, I need you to do it again."

I blushed, I couldn't help but want him to spank me more, "Do what again?" I want you to do me again.

He laid me on the bed, sitting in front of me, "Sing for me."

My eyes widened, "You want me to sing? But my voice isn't that good."

He smiled softly, "It is beautiful."

Stop it!

My stomach twisted, "But I don't know a lot of songs."

"Anything is fine." He reassured me.

He doesn't get the hint.

I nodded, feeling nervous, I cleared my voice, "

." I inhaled deeply; ready to hear any criticism.

He pulled me in a passionate kiss, gripping my hair firmly, before pulling back, he pressed his forehead against mine, "That was magnificent."

I chuckled, "Thank you."

We laid next to each other in silent, with me in his arms. I breathed in his scent to calm my heart, it was beating incredibly fast; I guess I still react to him greatly. His breathes became mine, our heart beats as one, I played with his arm as he rest peacefully; exhausted from being an Alpha. We stayed like this for almost an hour.

"Hades," I called softly, listening to him hum, "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." He mumbled quietly.

"Why haven't you marked me yet?" I asked, a little hesitant.

I glanced at him when he didn't answer and saw him staring at the ceiling with pursed lips.

I didn't take back my question, because I'm deeply curious to know.

"Because I'm afraid that after I mark you, you'd end up forgetting your memories again- you won't remember me, and it would hurt ten times worse."

He's afraid..

I bit my lip, "I'm sure we'll find something, a solution for that."

He stared at me, "You want me to mark you?"

I nodded, "Yes."

He didn't move immediately, his eyes bored in mine, uncovering the layers, breaking each wall I have put up there to keep my heart safe, but he can see it. I know he can. I'm letting him.

As he was about to open his mouth, someone knocks on the front door harshly, Hades didn't hesitate to get up and strode outside.

I followed him and saw a guard, he was talking madly with Hades, "Jeffrey, you know I do not understand gibberish."

Jeffrey took deep breaths, "Alpha, sorry to disturb you, but there was a small attack near the pack land, it appears that few rogues want to talk to the Luna."

Hades nodded, "Let's go."

"Wait," I called, both Jeffrey and Hades stopped, "If they want to talk to me, you can-"

"No," He shook his head, "You are not talking to them." He made it clear.

I didn't say anything, but my eyes were begging him to listen to me, he gave me a final answer, "No means no." And left.

I groaned and sat in the living room, waiting for his return, I thought with him being near me, it would be fine to get out, but I guess I'm officially stuck here.

"What's happening out there?" I asked whoever was listening.

Rogues were planning a trap for you Jane, Hades is going to put an end for this~

My shoulders slumped down, "I was going to die?"


I sighed, "Can you tell me how can I exit the house without Hades breathing behind my neck? Or am I going to stay in here till my very last dying breath?"


"Are you saying he knows the solution?"


I nodded, "Alright," taking a deep breath, "I think I need your help convincing my mate."


If you liked the songs, they are:

Song1: Reluctant heroes by Ama Lee.

Song2: Will be back by Im Sun Hae.

Yes, Jane knows Korean😂😂

Sorry if my song choices were weird, um it's just how it is *shrugs*

Anywho, some of you might think "why da hell would she want to go back to Ryder?! That piece of shit!" Well, he didn't really hurt her, he probably- only just messed up her mind, like just slightly 👌😅 no big deal

I feel like my chapters are short🤔

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