#44 Beginning of The Endless ✔

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Jane's POV

"You can remember now!?" Layla jumped at the news, everyone was ecstatic.

I nodded with a big smile, "Yeah," I stood up and sat next to her, placing an arm around her shoulder, "And I still remember how you made me flirt with that wolf just to make Hades jealous." Purposely saying it out loud for him to hear.

He narrowed his eyes at her, "I knew it."

Layla rubbed the back of her head nervously, "What? You actually think that I would let her throw herself on a male that wasn't mated and marked just to make her impertupable mate jealous?"

We all gave her a look.

I woke up last night remembering everything as if I haven't forgotten anything at all. It was like I relived my whole life again without losing my memories, I saw it with my own eyes and felt it in my head and soul. Each and every precious memory were in their original place. I felt completed. Everything made sense.

"You know what that means right?" Evangeline asked with a suggestive wiggly eyebrows.

I laughed, "Netflix and chill?"

Layla wiped a fake tear, "She knows, oh goddess I'm being over emotional!" Hearing Kaden chuckle for the first time.

Evangeline rolled her eyes, holding back a savage remark, "No. It means we get to train! I hope you haven't forgotten how to control your powers."

With a confident grin, I raised my glowing right hand.


Next day

I munched on the scrambled eggs while staring at Hades.

He finally sighed, "What?"

"What what?"

He gave me an expected glare, "Is there something you want to share?"

I gave him a light shook, "No."

"Then why are you staring at me like that?" Waving his hands around my face.

"Like what mate?" I offered a teasing smile.

He narrowed his eyes, "Are you trying to test something?"

Maybe I am. I smirked.

A mischievous glint in his eyes, "Well then, you might have succeeded in whatever you were planing." Standing up, he walked around the table and stood between my knees.

**Restricted chapter


I walked beside Layla and Evangeline near the pack house, smelling the fresh air. The pups were running, chasing each other with big smiles on their faces, as the nannies watched them from the side, the wolves making small talks while harvesting.

It was a peaceful walk.

A walk I haven't had since a very long time, but I didn't mind the time gap, it just makes it more special, memorable, significant.

Wolves running in and out of the building, some were chefs, and some work at the office where they receive and give letters, never knew how that works; how they knew exactly where is where, and who is who, but it was their job, so they had to know these things.

The grass is greener this morning, the wind is soft and a bit cold, with the ignited sun everything seemed perfect.

My mind wondered about my position as a Luna, it didn't feel like I was an asset to the pack, it feels like my existence was all that matters to them, my safety. But I didn't want to stay in the pack and do nothing. I want to be a part of something. As a Luna, I want to make decisions and take some actions.

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