#16 Sleepover ✔

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Jane's POV

I woke up with arms wrapped tightly around me, a leg covered my own and a warm chest pressed to my back, I simply smiled, but when I tried to move I felt slight pain on my side ribs.

I frowned, removing myself from Hades's embrace and checked my stomach. My eyes widened when I saw red hand marks on my skin, looking at Hades who was still sleeping peacefully.

After contemplating, I decided on letting him sleep while I continue my day. Walking to the bathroom, I refreshed myself and got down for breakfast, as usual, I ate cereal.

I heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen while I was washing my bowl, I turned around and saw my beautiful mate entering the kitchen.

His eyes snapped down at my body before darkening, he quickly turned around and cleared his voice, "Jane, you're naked again." He commented.

I blushed, looking down at my naked figure, I didn't feel embarrassed though, being naked was a common thing in Omega land, but his stare was all I needed to get a reaction.

"Is it making you uncomfortable?" I asked nervously.

He growled, "A little bit."

I breathed heavily, slowly walking towards him, "I'm sorry then. I will go change." I whispered, slipping a hand on his shoulder, I took another step to face him.

I pursed my lips when I saw his closed eyes, I took a step back and walked to our room, I chose a random white nightgown.

When I entered the kitchen again, I saw him drinking his coffee, and sat in front of him.

I cleared my voice to get his attention, "Um, I can feel my heat getting closer, it can be tomorrow, or the day after that. So.." I awkwardly spoke, looking at the coffee mug on the table.

"Yes, I know. Do not worry, I have it figured out." He replied, taking a sip.

I gazed at him, feeling slight fear, "And?"

"You will be staying with Ezra and his mate."

I blinked, "Oh."

I don't mind staying with Beta Ezra and Evangeline, the only problem is the pain I will endure and how annoying I will become. Whiny. Bitchy. Needy. Intolerable.

Definitely someone I hate.

"Are they fine with it?" I asked curiously.

He raised an eyebrow, "They will be."

My eyes widened, "You haven't told them yet!"

He clinched his jaw, "No, but I will today, and I am sure they won't say no." He replied annoyed.

I nodded, "Okay.." I tapped my foot nervously.

I really want to ask him. Should I ask him? I mean it won't hurt if I did right? The worst he could do is say no.

"Would you stop that?!" He snapped.

I stopped tapping and looked at him startled, "Oh sorry." He gave me a look then checked the wall clock on the left.

He placed the mug on the sink and exited the kitchen, I followed behind him, and stopped him before he opens the door.

"Hades." I called.

He paused and turned around, giving me a plain look, "What?"

I gulped, "Can I leave the house?"

He narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean by leaving the house?" He sounded angry.

My eyes widened, "I-I mean visit the pack house, get to know them better, maybe help them.." My voice slowly lost its sound as he stares at me irritated. "N-nevermind, I'll just be here and pack some clothes for my heat." I suggested, feeling slightly down.

He nodded, "That's better." Then he left.

I sighed, walking back to the room to pack the necessities.


"And this is where you will sleep." Evangeline instructed, standing next to the dark wood door.

I nodded, smiling gracefully, "Okay, thank you again for agreeing, it means so much."

She smiled sheepishly, "Eh, it's no problem." She waved it off.

I chuckled, "Are you sure? I will become a problem. But I apologize in advance."

She crossed her arms, "At least you won't be near Ezra; since he's a mated wolf. That's why I didn't mind. And because I'm a good friend." She winked.

Unmated she-wolfs in heat usually stay away from mated wolves, because it makes them feel disgusted. They cannot take what's already taken.

"Anywho, just unpack and I will call you when lunch is ready, I'll be in the kitchen." She informed.

I nodded, "Okay."


I laid on the bed with a sigh, "All done."

I walked through the hallway, down the stairs and towards the kitchen, immediately froze at the scene in front of me. OH LORD!

I turned around while the moans still filled my ears, I closed my eyes tightly, the image of Beta Ezra pressed chest to chest with Evangeline near the fridge, him devouring her neck while her eyes were closed and mouth sending loud moans.

No no no no no~

"Shit! Ezra stop!" I heard the sound of heavily breathing, I stayed still. Not having the courage to face them.

"Luna, you can turn around now." Beta Ezra chuckled.

I slowly turned around, cringing when I saw their wild hair, "I didn't mean to disrupt your... intimacy." I blushed.

Evangeline chuckled, "It's okay, we should be more careful now," she pointed out, giving Beta Ezra a side look, who growled in response, "Hungry?" She asked me.


I sat on the couch with a full stomach, Evangeline jumped on the spot next to me, pulling me in a side hug, and squeezed me tight.

"Evangeline, I can't breath." I choked out.

She chuckled, "Sorry not sorry," pulling back, "Movie?"

"What is a movie?" I asked confusedly.

Her eyes widened, "You've never seen a movie before!"

I shook my head, "Um, nope."

She cupped her cheeks, "No no. This is wrong. This is all wrong." Shaking her head, "Hun, I'll be asking you a lot of questions, and we'll do everything you haven't tried before. Okay?"

I looked at her confusedly, what is so important about a movie?


She doesn't know what a movie is!! I feel so sorry for her😭😭

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