#28 Fight me ✔

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Jane's POV

I gulped nervously as I stared at the corpse of an old man, the stench of death hung up high for all of us to smell, his icy blue eyes stared at the sky with no emotions, his pale skin and bluish lips sent shivers down my spice as I felt the cold air sweeping my hair off my face.

"Do it. Now. We don't have much time, or else I'll kill your mate." He threatened, his tone sounded urgent. Impatient.

But I couldn't do it. This felt wrong. So wrong.

He sighed furiously when he saw me shaking my head, "So you wouldn't mind a life without a mate? I mean, I will still keep you even after I kill him, so think again- actually there's no time to think. Just do it."

"I can't." I whispered, my heart aching immensely.

He growled, "Luna we don't have time for this."

I shook my head quickly, "I-I can't," I choked, tears threatening to spell.

He grabbed my shoulders without putting any pressure, "Luna, I know you think this is wrong, but trust me, what we're doing is a huge favor for many wolves. This is what you're born to do."

"But they are dead for a reason." I argued.

"And you are here for a reason." He argued back.

I gulped, "I don't know how to control it, I've never trained-"

"But you brought that flower back to life!" He said in awe and amazement, "Can't you see?! This is a beautiful gift that you shouldn't let go to waste, I know you can do it." His voice laced with desperation.

My panicked heart caused me to feel dizzy. Ryder wants me to bring a dead man back to life, his intentions weren't evil, but it was wrong. He doesn't want to rule the world or destroy us all, he simply wants to bring the good wolves back to life. I am the key to his dream.

He is a little too desperate though

"Please give me one reason. Please let me understand this in your perspective, because I am so lost." I begged, tears spilling.

The desperation is his eyes disappeared, a sad look covered his face, "I want to ask you something."

I gave him a nod.

"If Hades ever dies, leaves you all of a sudden with no goodbyes, wouldn't you want him back in your arms, to have him with you again, if you had the chance?"

I gulped, "You're mate is.." I couldn't say it.

He nodded.

"And you want me to bring her back."

He nods again.

I closed my eyes tightly, my heart beating so fast, ready to give him a nice lecture about saying goodbyes and whatever the reasons, it was still wrong. But he cut me through it.

"Luna, you're having another panic attack! Just breathe." He rubbed my back.


"She's having a panic attack!" He yelled.

Few wolves pulled me down to the ground, one of them opened my tearful eyes. He stared at me with confusion.

He glanced at Ryder to say something but Ryder gave him a look, he returned his gaze to me, and sighed. He ordered them to bring few things, I was still sobbing like a mess, but I tried fighting them off even if they had a tight grip on me.

"D-don't do this," I cried, "I'm completely fine!"

"C'mon take deep breaths." The man spoke calmly. I obeyed and tried my best, few hiccups escaped my lips, though I was calming down, just wanting them to leave me.

"What are you doing?! She's going to pass out! We don't have much time!" Ryder yelled.

The man sighed and took his time placing the liquid in the needle, I shook my head, begging him not to do so. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for needle to sting my neck but never felt it, I finally dared myself to glance at them and was surprised by the scenery.

Every single one of them ( even the corpse ) was being tightly wrapped by grass, floating two feet above the ground.

What the..?

I noticed my hands were glowing with green light, I stared back at them all and walked towards Ryder, who was furiously fighting against nature.

Okay calm down and act as if you know what you're doing..

I smirked, "Well, look who's trapped now? I've had this planned all along." I acted, motioning my hands towards the people.

He growled, "You think this is going to stop me? Oh think again Luna, I will find you, and I will get what I want if it's the last thing I do." His eyes spoke a thousand promise, but I didn't give a damn. Well maybe a little.

I chuckled, "You already know that I won't kill you now huh?" I shrugged, "Maybe I won't, but I can't promise you about my mate."

Okay I'm on fire with this acting thingy

I sauntered my way out of the pack house, few of the wolves stopped and stared at me with confusion, obviously oblivious to the fact that I've been kidnapped. My heart was still drumming against my rib cage.

I'm coming home.


It felt like hours of walking when you don't know the directions, I ran then walked, then crawled. I am exhausted, I don't know how long I walked or how far I'm close to my mate. Maybe I've been walking in circles..

I groaned and stared at a tree, "Well, aren't you going to help me now? I am lost, which way should I go?"

Obviously, it didn't answer back.

I sighed impatiently, "You know, when I don't think about you, you help me, but when I ask you nicely, you don't even bother giving me a hint?"

"So what am I?" I continued, "I can cure people, and now I can control grass, or nature in general?-I don't know," I placed my hand on my hips, "What am I supposed to do now huh? How do I use my powers? And why me?!"


I sat down and glared at the tree, "C'mon it's just you and me, you can tell me you know." I crawled closer to the tree, "Okay do you want me to guess my powers?"

Another silence.

"If I guessed wrong, um give a sign, but if I guessed right, don't do anything at all, deal?"

Okay let's do this

Okay think Jane, you can cure people and have magical cool powers. What's the first thing that comes in your mind?

I gasped, "Am I an angel?!" I leaned closely to the tree.

A huge tree branch fell next to me, causing me to jump two feet away. I stared at the branch with wide eyes.

"What the- ? Is that your sign?! Are you trying to get me killed?" I yelled.

There was a small pat on my shoulder, "Hold on a sec." I waved it off.

I crossed my arms, "Why can't you tell me what I am?"

Another pat on my shoulder. This time, I turned around but saw nothing, I glanced at my right then left, and saw no one.

"Wait, who patted my shoulder then?" I mumbled.

I felt another pat. I turned around quickly and still found no one.

"Uh.." I heard a twig snaps behind me, I turned around immediately.

"Oh my goddess!" I fell on my butt.

A tree was waving at me. I glanced around. They were all waving at me.


This is my best part of the story😂 The trees are waving! The trees are waving! 😂😂

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