#40 Finally ✔

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Jane's POV

Three days later

"You can't do that! That's not how you play!" Evangeline yelled, holding her fake money tightly.

Layla smirked, thrusting her tongue out in mockery, "What're you gonna do about it?"

My head turned to Evangeline; waiting for her answer.

She pursed her lips, "I'm gonna- I'm gonna," she clinched her jaw, then all of a sudden smiled, "I'm going offer you a deal."

My head shot to Layla.

Layla narrowed her eyes at her warily, a small smile on her lips, "I'm listening."

I stared at Evangeline.

Evangeline cleared her voice, "I'll give you free pass for my yellow houses only for one round, and I'll pay 150 for your brown ones."

I observed Layla's reaction.

"Hmm," she rubbed her jaw, "two rounds and 200 for the houses." Layla argued.

"One round and 150 for the houses!" Evangeline shot back.

"One round of the yellows, and one house of the blues, and 95 for the browns."

My head turned once again to look at Evangeline.

She thought for a moment, thinking it through, she took some time but finally nodded, "Alright. Deal." They shook hands.

Watching them play for almost an hour, and I still hadn't gotten the concept of the game, but it was still entertaining watching them play monopoly.

Yes, they invited me to play oh so nicely, but crushed me so cruelly on the second round.

It's fun they say. You'll get the hang of it they say.

I watched them play for five more minutes, before getting up and walked to the kitchen. I filled a cup of water and chugged it all, "Ah." I washed the cup and placed it on the side to dry.

I heard footsteps and turned around, only to face Layla, "How's the game going for you?"

She grinned, "Totally winning." I chuckled. She filled a glass of kiwi juice.

"Evangeline!" We both heard Ezra calling her.

We stared at each other. He sounded very angry.

We thought of doing the right thing and give them their privacy, but curiosity got the best of us. They were also loud, so even if we tried not to eavesdrop, we would've heard them anyways.

"What's wrong?" Evangeline asked worriedly.

"WHAT IS THIS!?" He yelled.

We heard the sound of something being thrown on the ground.

"W-Where did you get that?" She stuttered; surprised.

He growled loudly, "You saw him again, didn't you?" He asked slowly.

My eyes widened, glancing at Layla, she shrugged, seeming clueless of the idea.

We heard silence, and then, "Yes." She mumbled.

We could hear Ezra growling, fighting against his nature, "Why? What was so important that you had to meet him?"

"I can't tell you, and I won't." She mumbled the last one quietly.

"You don't have to say shit!" he yelled, "I'm gonna go talk to him."

Goddess! I've never heard him like that.

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