#10 A solution you say ✔

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Jane's POV

I took my time keeping myself in one piece, the nervousness that settled in my heart did not ease the fear in facing my mate.

I kissed him..

As much as I wanted to fly from happiness with that thought, I was quick to snap back to reality and actually realize my irrational action.

I pace back and forth, trying my best to silence my wolfish thoughts. But fail miserably.

I want him. I want all of him. His lips. My mark on his neck. My kisses all over his body. I want to breathe his scent.

I shook my head, "No, not yet, it's too soon." I massaged my temple.

The door opened quietly, Hades entered with all his glory, he looked at me with angry eyes.

I gulped, "Before you say anything, I just want to tell you that I have my reasons for doing what I did."

He crossed his arms over his chest, "And what are these reasons?"

I took a deep breath, "I couldn't control myself, I- I got jealous." I mumbled.

"Jealous?" He didn't sound convinced.

I nodded, "Yes jealous, because you did that on purpose!" I pointed my finger at him, "I saw how you were flirting with that- that she-wolf! I have all rights to act that way, you cannot blame me, it was an instinct to claim you- well I didn't technically claim you, I only kissed you in front of her and your warriors," I shook my head, "All in all, you can't be angry for something that was bound to happen." I crossed my hands, feeling proud of myself, "You called for it." I muttered, holding back a grin.

"I am not angry that you kissed me in front of my warriors," he spoke, "I'm embarrassed."

My eyes widened, "Embarrassed?"

"And disgusted."

I clinched my jaw, "why? What is wrong with you?"

He narrowed his eyes, "Are you blind? Have I showed you any type of interest? No. So why, in the name of Lycan, would you kiss me? Did you think I would like it?" He chuckled humorlessly, "I am truly repulsed."

My eyes stung with new tears, "You are mean, and rude a-and-"

"I do not like you. Deal with it." He stated.

"Ugh!" I shrieked, "But I am your mate. We are destined to be together! Is there a reason for your dislike?! I-I don't understand-" I choked.

He rolled his eyes, "I have been taught that a mate would act crazy if I haven't given her attention." Closing his eyes, he rubbed his temple, "Very dramatic." He muttered.

I fisted my hands, "Dramatic?" I mumbled, "You think I'm being dramatic?"

He opened one eye, sighing, "Listen, I do not have time for your meaningless tantrums, we have a party to host. Come now." He opened the door and waited for me.

My jaw dropped, unbelievable, I wanted to tell him how unbelievable he was but immediately closed my mouth, seeing as how it wouldn't change a thing. I glanced at my feet and nodded, walking back to the party that was held downstairs.

All eyes stared at my walking figure, looking at me with curiosity and wariness, I blushed slightly at the unwanted attention and walked back to the kitchen.

I placed my hands on the kitchen counter and pulled myself together, taking deep breaths, closing my eyes momentarily.

I turned around and was surprised to see Hades leaning against the doorframe.

I gulped, "I will be there, I just need a few minutes alone."

He nodded and left.


The sun has already set, and everyone was returning back to the pack house, I started removing all the glasses and return them back to the kitchen.

I sighed tiredly after I was done cleaning and walked to the front door, I saw Hades bidding the last warrior goodbye before turning towards the house.

He paused when he saw me but didn't take another second to enter, and went straight upstairs.

I sighed sadly, even thought it has been four or five days, I couldn't help but feel like there aren't any chances for us to work, I don't like the thought of giving up, I will continue to try. I just hope it will be worth it in the end.

I walked back to our room with a heavy heart, opening the door, I peaked inside and gasped.

Hades was standing in front of the dressing table. Shirtless. The mirror gave me a view of his gifted chest and strong abs. But, one thing that caught my eyes were the scars. All over his body. Back and front.

His eyes snapped at mine, he took his sweet time turning around, holding a shirt in his hand.

I bit my lip and entered the room, walking to the closet, I picked a green night gown and inhaled deeply, quickly turning around and walked to the bathroom.

I undressed myself and wore the gown, it fell softly on the ground, I looked at my reflection and raised my eyebrows when I saw my flushed cheeks.

Winter is coming.

I knew that my heat will arrive as soon as winter approaches. I don't know how I will survive it with my current situation.

I exited the bathroom and saw Hades under the cover of our bed, reading a book. With a shirt on.

I laid on the bed slowly, I never had the chance to sleep knowing my mate was next to me.

I stared at the ceiling for a moment before speaking, "My heat is coming soon." I informed.

"I know." He replied, I glanced at him and saw him looking back at me.

"What are we going to do?" I asked nervously.

He returned his gaze back to the book, "I will find a solution."

A solution you say?

I smirked, liking where my thoughts were drifting off, and sat on the bed quickly, startling Hades in the process, I took the book from his hand and straddled his waist, his eyes widened in surprise.

"You think this is a problem that should be fixed?" I purred, one of my hands gripped the back of his hair.

He gulped, "W-what are-"

I interrupted him by licking his neck, tasting his flesh, I shivered slightly before pulling back. Hades placed his hands on my hips to push me, but I was quick to place a kiss on his delicious lips.

He froze before kissing me back, the sparks were hard to ignore, the need in my core ignited, I moaned and pulled him closer.

He tightened his hold on my hips and bit my bottom lip, I opened my lips, the moment his tongue touched mine, I knew I was addicted, and thought about never pulling back.

But the need to breathe interrupted our kiss, I placed my forehead against his and breathed heavily, we didn't move nor did he try to push me. I got off his lap and returned to my spot, I closed my eyes and let my back face him, "Goodnight." I smiled.

I felt his eyes burn the back of my head, but that just made the situation even more funny.

I couldn't help but think about how tightly he held me when I got up, when I removed myself from him. He was silently asking me to stay.

Obviously I couldn't do that. It would just ruin everything.


What the hell just happened? Is Jane insane!? Why would she kiss him like bruh.. I'm confused😐 I wouldn't kiss him... Okay maybe I would, but like secretly😆😅

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