#9 The party ✔

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Jane's POV

Four days have passed, and I had finally gotten used to my daily routine.

I sat on the kitchen counter, eating my sweet cereal. Alone. Solitude called for me. I sighed out of boredom and looked around.

What to do? What to do?

Hades was in "another meeting", leaving early in the morning, and won't come back till midnight.

After finishing my cereal, I washed the bowl and went outside, the cold winter air dragged my hair to my face, I chuckled, taking it out of my mouth, "Yuck."

I moved a few steps, enjoying the front view that was filled with flowers, but a frown was placed when my eyes contacted on the tall fence. I never crossed that fence..

I shrugged and took a few more steps until I was off the front deck and on the soft green grass.

I love this.

Where I used to live there wasn't even a single green, always yellows or browns, finding edible plants was hard, sometimes we wouldn't eat for days, after searching from dust till dawn, I knew that whatever I find that was edible must be saved and shared wisely.

I smiled happily when I saw beautiful white birds flew above me, and landed ten feet away, an idea popped inside my head and I ran inside the house with a joyful mind.

I grabbed two slices of bread, putting them in the toaster, I quickly crumbled them in my hands and placed them in a bowl, I jogged back to the birds, hoping the haven't flown away.

There they are.

I walked slowly, taking cautious steps, then stopped few feet away, I took a good amount of bread crumbs and tossed it to them, whistling a call.

Now we wait. They didn't eat immediately, still aware of my existence, I turned around and sat on the front steps.

I smiled happily when they accepted my offer and ate blissfully, I made a trail of crumbs, and they followed till they reached for my palm.

Always take small steps to gain their trust.

Soon enough they flew, and I was left hoping to grow some wings and join them.

I sat straight, another idea crossed my mind, I may not have wings, but I have paws.

I took off my clothes and placed them near the door, I stopped in the middle of the garden and closed my eyes, feeling my wolf shift.

Pain spread through my body, I sat on my knees and hands, and let out an agonizing scream, my bones cracking and moving in opposite directions, I felt my toes and fingers break and twist, I let out another painful howl, I crunched and tried to hold my stomach to ease the pain, from this slow shift.

Mate! I need mate! It was natural thing to call for him in my painful state. But I didn't really need him, I can shift on my own, I haven't shifted in many years that's all.

"OH GODDESS NO!" I gurgled, eyes shut tightly, another deathly burn cursed through my body, starting from my stomach, then exploded in my brain.

My wrist almost broke down from the harsh punches I was throwing, fisting the grass. After another excruciating wait, I finally shifted.

I felt massive relief, stretching out my aching muscles, Goddess that was painful, but not anymore. From now on, I will shift whenever I want.

I ran and rolled over like a free juvenile, yelping in happiness, feeling carefree. Not long after I was about to go for a long run, a voice froze me.

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