#15 Cold ✔

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Jane's POV

Elder Ekaterina stared at Hades disapprovingly, "Alpha, why didn't you let Luna mark you?"

He cleared his voice, "Um-" he looked trouble.

"I didn't want to mark him just yet." I quickly stepped in, "I was thinking of making it special, I didn't want us to rush into anything. But I'm planing for it, do not worry." I winked at her, slapping myself mentally.

She smiled knowingly, "Oh I see, I won't ask for more." Covering her mouth while giggling.

Even at a very old age, she seemed like an innocent juvenile. Pure. Full of life. This was the first time I have met an Elder, and to say this was a good first impression was an understatement. I cannot wait to meet the others.

"Hades," an old man called, walking towards us, he nodded towards Elder Ekaterina and smiled softly at me, "Luna Jane, lovely to finally meet you."

I blushed and nodded, "Nice to meet you too."

"Elder Agathias, how long has it been?" Hades asked, pulling the Elder in a warm hug.

Elder Agathias chuckled, "Long enough to see you with your mate, what a relief." He leaned towards Ekaterina, "Good, now we have someone to put a leash on him." He teased.

Hades growled playfully, while we all laughed. The two Elders were known for their merciful and purity, always used to solve relationship problems, it could be about family, friends or mates. They would always spread love.

After they left, which was something I didn't want, an elder women with raven black hair approached us, her aura gave it away, serious eyes captured mine easily.

I felt Hades tense when he saw her, as she came closer, I leaned next to Hades for strength, the intimidation the Elder was giving was overwhelming.

"Alpha," she nodded towards Hades, "Luna," her dark green eyes held mine for a moment before looking at Hades.

"Elder Pathenia, still can't forget our last encounter." Hades clinched his jaw.

She nodded stiffly, "All lessons must be learned." She spoke proudly.

"What lesson?" I asked curiously.

Her thin lips turned into a grim, "What's with the fake mark?"

My eyes widened in surprise, "Excuse me?"

She rolled her eyes, "Did you really think I would believe that?" She asked Hades, who became even more tense, hands clinching.

Hades wore a fake smile, "Elder Pathenia, there's something I would like to discuss with you in private."

She nodded, looking at me from head to toe, then following behind him.

I inhaled a needed breath, and tried to relax my aching shoulders.

"Luna Jane?" A man spoke. An alpha.

Oh no..

I turned around, and smiled at the tall man with hazel eyes, I haven't met him yet, I really wish he was nice.

"Yes." I replied softly.

He smiled back, looking at my bare feet, to my legs, all the way up to my chest and face. I blushed furiously as he checked me out shamelessly.

"So it is true." He stated.

I smiled politely, "What is true?"

"The prophecy."

I nodded understandingly, still confused but I didn't want to ask him and make myself look stupid.


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