#25 Mark ✔

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Jane's POV

Hades left minutes ago; telling me that he has to do something before taking us on our date. He said I can leave the house, but not the property no matter what. I didn't even know what was happening until I finally figured, I've been going around the house in circles.

I shook my head and went upstairs, opened a door and was slapped with his scent, this is his room. I smiled happily and ran towards the bed, I've never slept on a bed before.

I touched the feathered cover and sighed sadly, maybe I had slept on it before, I just cannot remember. "It's okay Jane, there's nothing wrong in this situation, I'm sure I'll get my memories back and everything will go back to normal." I softly assured, knowing it was a lie.

The question is, how am I going to remember?

Maybe there are solutions to this problem, we just need to ask the right people.

I took a deep breath and laid on the bed, I didn't even pay attention to the soft heaven I was sleeping on, my head was pounding, I was too focused, confused, and with no doubt scared.

Things happened. I've seen things. Done things I can't seem to remember. I feel so lost.

The last thing I remember was me searching for food in my old pack- after that, everything felt like a long washed out dream.

I tried calming my panicked heart, but my wolf was acting crazy, she keeps growling inside my head, I don't know what's wrong with her.

I walked outside the house and took off my clothes, I stood on all four and shifted easily, I gasped at the painless change. How did that not hurt?!

I felt more down with the thought of forgetting the most precious thing in life. Memories.

Whether is was bad or good memories, you have to know where you are in life, I have no idea who I am. I mean I know who I am, but I don't know who I had became.

I feel lost. One day I was an omega, searching for food to survive, the next day I am a Luna of a pack and have created relationships more than the food I save in a week.

My father. He's completely different. He looked dead on the inside but very much alive on the out. I know we both lost the two important people in our lives, but in Omega land, he was more distant than dead. Now I don't know who he was.

I ran wildly around, I felt a smile stretch on my face as I let my tongue out, the wind brushed my dark grey fur. I rolled over, the soft grass made me yelp in happiness and calmed my thoughts.

I was on my back when I saw a black wolf, the view was upside down, so I rolled over and stood on four paws.

I sniffed the wolf's scent, only to find out it was my mate. I stalked him slowly, eyeing his posture, he stood confidently and I can see a faint grin.

I jumped on him and bit his ear playfully, with a fast whip from his paw, we were both on the ground with him on top of me.

My mouth was inches away from his ear again but he placed a bite near my throat, making me growl in frustration. My paw hit his arm and I became on top of him, it was a quick reaction to nudge his neck, sniffing him deeply.

His smell is so addicting!

His leg pushed me sideways then stood in an attack position, growling at me, his eyes stared at my neck.

He wants to mark me.

I took a step forward and bowed, giving him my neck, he sniffed me before biting my flesh.


I opened my eyes and saw my beautiful Hades staring at me with a smile, "Hi." He softly mumbled, tingles tickled my stomach.

I smiled back, "Hi." I mumbled tiredly.

"How are you feeling agápi?" He asked.

I inhaled, "I feel-" My heart beats steadily, my thoughts relaxed and my body felt good, I felt amazing, "good."

He chuckled, "That's-" he paused for a moment, "good."

I nodded and sat up, his hand gently touched my cheek, stroking it lightly, he tilted my head a little and saw his very faint mark. His smile widened. His eyes sparkled.

Oh I just want to hug you and kiss you so bad!

He leaned forward till his lips finally touched mine.


My hands shot up to cup his cheeks, one of them gripped his black hair, while the other stroked his jaw, silent moans filled the room. I felt his fingers sliding down to my waist, he licked my lips as I slowly laid on my back, with him on top.

Oh goddess I'm going to explode!

He pulled back, using his elbows to balance himself, "Hello again." He said, smiling stupidly.

I laughed, "Hi." I ran my fingers through his hair, "You know what? we don't need a date, we can just talk now."

He tilted his head, humming in pleasure, "Are you sure?"

I pecked his lips, and grinned, "Positive." He smiled back and went back to kissing me.


HE MARKED HER WOLF! Now the only thing left is to mark her skin side!! 😊

Well well well, what do we have here? I seriously have no idea who that guy is? Are you sure that's Hades? Are you really sure?
....Pfft yeah right😃

More secrets will be revealed in the next chapters😈🙄

Stay tuned

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