#35 A broken promise ✔

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Jane's POV

"Alright. I agree with your plan." She nodded.

We sat in front of each other in the kitchen, eating our breakfast. I sighed in relief; to know she's with me, by my side.

I interlocked my fingers together on the table, "Good, I'm truly grateful."

She bit her lip, "Do you know how risky this is? Us going behind our mate's backs just to find Ryder's corpse?"

I nodded, "I know, but I can assure you that if we do this right, no one will find out."

Evangeline didn't show any sign of reassurance, she kept fidgeting with her fingers.

Suddenly, she sits up straight and stares at me, "You know who we need for this?"

I tilt my head, "Who?"

She smirked, "The one and only bad ass- ass- ass,  weighting 160 pounds- pounds- pounds," she introduced in a deep voice with a fake echo, "Lucas the spy! Also known as the sneaky bitch." Quickly muttering the last sentence.

I giggled, "Who?"

She snickered, "He hates it when I call him that, but he's the guy, he knows how to find people fast, he's very conservative and sneaky, you might find him a little weird, but that's just his vibe." She shrugged.

"Can we trust him?" I asked warily.

She shrugs again, "It depends on his mood, but he's a loner so I don't think he'll tell."

"I don't know Evan, he doesn't sound trust worthy." I tugged on my dress nervously.

She waved her hand, "Don't worry, he doesn't talk to anyone, and you can pretty much say he's a mute, so why worry? And when we return the favor, I'm sure everything will be fine."

"What does he want?"

"I don't know, but we'll talk and see."

I groaned, she was not assuring me with this Lucas guy, I don't know if he isn't going to tell on us, or betray us some other way. I knew this was risky, but we can't add more risks than we already did.

"Jane, I've talked with the guy before, I know how to handle him."

I sighed, "Alright, we need to meet at a perfect time where Hades isn't going to barge in on us."

This is actually happening.


"What does condom mean?" I asked in confusion.

Hades didn't move, sighing deeply, he placed his palms on the table, "And who told you about that?"

"Evangeline." I mumbled, shifting glances all around the room.

"Of course."

Then silence.

"And?" I broke the awkward silence.

He chuckled humorlessly, "What did she tell you?"

I shifted back and forth, ignoring the blush, "She just said it's a type of protection, but she also said that you will do the explanation."

He turned to face me, his expression cold and stiff, "It is used for safe sex; we can use it to fuck without worrying about little pups." He turned around again, "That's a condom."

I played with my finger, "Right.." I couldn't understand why he's uncomfortable, he doesn't seem to like the so called condom, "Well, I'll be on my way then."

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