#11 Scars ✔

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Jane's POV

Waking up to an empty bed became a thing. I got used to getting up only to see an empty spot beside me, that I didn't even bother checking anymore.

Five days

Five days have passed since I last saw him, I missed him so much, I yearned for his touch. The only time I got to see him is when I got up so early, only to see his silhouette exiting the room.

Going to the bathroom, I managed to ignore the mirror, knowing I looked terrible from my nightmares.

I ate breakfast. Alone. I walked around the house. Alone. I smelled the flowers and let out my wolf. Alone.

I ran between the trees, putting my scent before jumping over a rock, I let out a short growl when I saw a bush, imagining it as a rabbit and I was on a hunt.

I crawled towards the bush slowly before jumping on it, the leaves hugged my wolf, tickling me in the process.

I rolled over and stood in a fighting stand.

I am the king! I shall rise my army and destroy all of you! Peasants!

Look how I outnumbered you fools! Ahahaha haha ha, you will die before you even blink an eye.

I jumped on the other side and played the prey.

B-but why? Why so cruel? Do you not own a heart? Please spare our lives and we'll give you whatever you like. I faked whimpered.

I returned back to my spot and played the heartless king, spare your life you say? What do you take me for? An idiot? OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

I played the prey once again, Nooooo! And rolled on my back for a more dramatic ending.

I shook my head, laughing at my juvenile act, and walked further towards the gate.

Thinking again, I turned around and ran to our house, yeah I don't think that is a good idea.

Once I was close enough, I shifted back and wore my gown, shivering from the cold air, I walked towards the kitchen and drank water.

All of a sudden my mind thought about my father, oh how I forgot about him, I felt ashamed, but mostly worried, I wanted to make sure if he was okay.

If only mate would bother coming early for once.

I huffed and paced around the living room, I was slightly annoyed by his act.

"This is getting out of hand." I placed my hands on my hips, "He cannot continue like this, either he is running away from me like a coward, or actually has alpha stuff to do. It still doesn't explain his disappearance." I complained.

"Who is the coward?"

I jumped from my spot, turning around quickly, I saw Hades standing in front of me with crossed hands.

Lord heavens.

"Jane," he called me back to reality, "Why can I smell your scent all over my forest?"

I chuckled nervously, "Well, you see.." I rubbed my arm.

He raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent, waiting for my answer.

I straightened my back, "I will not allow myself to be trapped inside this house," I started pacing again, "as beautiful as it is, I basically memorized every hallway, know all the rooms- except for one door that has a lot of markings on it, I didn't dare step inside. But I get so bored alone, and I wanted to let my wolf out. Please do understand that I cannot live like this forever." I stopped and glanced at him.

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