#39 Unravel ✔

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Remember! The actual age to reach out for their wolves is 16!

Jane's POV

"Jane open the door, I know what I did was wrong! please let me explain." I heard his voice behind the door.

I wiped my cheeks and took a deep breath. I didn't really lock the door- which confused me as to why he hadn't barged in yet if he was determined, but I was thankful for that.

Watching his face turn into pain and agony when he saw my tearful eyes made my heart clinch, I wanted to hug him and rock him in my arms. Remember what he did?! Yeah, that's right.

"Jane," He whispered, I stepped back; allowing him to enter, I turned around and was immediately engulfed in a warm hug.

I closed my eyes tightly and gulped, with such mental force, I removed his arms and took a few steps away from him.

I faced him, nodding, "You can explain."

He clinched his jaw, eyes darkening but he didn't say anything. Walking to the bed, he pulled me with him and I sat down waiting. "Well," he cleared his voice, sounding uncomfortable, "I'm not exactly from this pack; I have been raised outside the woods; in the city to be exact, with my adoptive parents." I realised he was talking about his past. This is it. "I had two older sisters and a baby brother, I was taken since I was a little kid... When I turned ten, strange things started happening to me, I was growing faster- physically, I reached out for my wolf way earlier than any normal wolf."

"My parents," He clinched his jaw, "They freaked out when I shifted early and thought I was cursed." He gulped, fisting his palms tightly, I placed my hand on top of them, "My- mother ordered my siblings to lock me down in the basement for safety, I was starved for many days, they treated me like shit- a peasant, an enemy. My sisters-" He closed his eyes, choking out the next words "They were told to do whatever they want with me, so they-" he exhaled sharply, "They took advantage of my body, I was weak and trapped, and they took advantage of that. I got harassed and- and," his voice started to sound tighter.

I grabbed his face between my palms and kissed every inch of his face, "You don't have to continue." I whispered, feeling pain for my mate.

Few questions ran through my mind, but they can wait. My mate was in pain and I had to do something to stop it.

He grabbed my wrists and kissed them, looking at my eyes lovingly, "What you did before, the sudden attack and restriction triggered something inside of me- I don't know why now, but I am sorry for yelling at you and hurting you." His thumb rubbed my lips softly. "I never hated your touch. I don't hate your sexual wolf."

I shook my head, "It's fine Hades, I forgive you." I laid my lips on his gently, then pulled him in a bear hug.

I pulled back a little, "So those scars.."

He nodded, "Yes, they were the cause of most of them."

I closed my eyes and tried to calm my heart, it was beating fast. But not from sadness or sympathy! No it was raging with anger.

Fire filled my eyes, "Why?" I choked, "Why would they do that?"

He clinched his jaw, "I do not like to think about them Jane, let us forget-"

"Where do they live!? I would like to visit them." I quickly spoke.

He growled, "It is unnecessary."

"Please! I just want to say hi." I lied.

He narrowed his eyes, "Who do you take me for? A fool?" I shook my head, "Then stop lying, whatever ideas you have about meeting them, erase it."

I sighed, "How did you survive?" I palmed his cheek.

He blinked. Once. Twice. "I ran away."

It clicked. Oh

"When I turned fifteen, they finally let me out as a gift, so I took the chance and ran into the woods, I didn't know how to hunt, how to survive, and I was nearing death when a few guards found me and took me to their alpha, he noticed the alpha blood in me and chose me for the role. He was mateless with no pups to take his position, so I was his only option. I was raised and trained here until I got picked." He finished.

I bit my lip, "Did you ever went back to.. them?"

His eyes darkened with hatred, "Yes, and now they are suffering in hell, except for my brother. I let him live." The way he said felt like he was shutting down the conversation.


Another question popped inside my head.

"What about your real parents? Have you ever tried finding them?" I asked worriedly.

He shook his head, "They had a reason for leaving me, I won't bother them with my visits."

"But what if they want to-"

"That is a closed case Jane." He gave me a warned look.

Suddenly, another thought interrupted the moment. If he's afraid to mark me. Why can't I mark him? I scolded at my inner-self.

Staring at my lap, I frowned upon our pasts. We both lived with terrible memories, but it made us who we are in the present. It made him a leader and a strong wolf while I stayed the same. Trapped and weak.


"I don't want to be trapped anymore." I mumbled.

He sighed and opened his mouth, I glanced up and met his eyes with determination. He closed his mouth.

"I will not allow myself to stay in this house any longer, I demand freedom."

"I am not trapping you in this house, only in a specific area, and it's not that bad, Jane you do understand that I'm locking you in for your safety, nothing more." He tried to reason with me.

I shook my head, "I know, but I can't live like this."

"Then how can you assure me? What if you lost your memory again?"

We can't live in fear of losing my memories, life was supposed to be full of risks and making wild decisions and I can't let my life pass me by as I enjoy it being locked up in one place.

I placed my hand on his cheeks and brought his face closer to mine, our eyes looked at each other closely, "Mark me."

His eyes widened, "Mark you?"

I nodded slightly, "Yes."

I saw the war going inside his head, I can see clearly how hesitant he was.

Finally, he nodded.

"Alright." He agreed, "But not today."

I pulled back a little to look at him better, tilting my head, "When?"

Surprisingly, he smirked mischievously, "You'll know when."


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