#41 Peace ✔

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The more detailed chapter is in the other book, check it out if you want.


Jane's POV

He pushed me against another tree, we've been sliding from one tree to another, all leading to our house. Our eyes were closed but we knew our way, our lips never left each other not even to catch a breath, we quickly stumbled across the front lawn when I tripped backwards, pulling him down with me. I laughed when I faced the sky and saw his irritation.

"You find this funny?" He growled.

I continued laughing, nodding my head, but soon my laughter started fading away as he kissed all over my neck and jaw.

I moaned and gripped his hair, while my other hand held the hem of his shirt, our clothes were off in a second and our bodies have never been close.

"Jane," He growled, licking my collarbone, then the valley of my breast.

I bit my bottom lip as I trembled under his touch, "Yes?" I whispered.

"I want to go slow.. but I don't think I can." He moaned when I gripped the back of his head and kissed him desperately.

Slow? Who said anything about slow? I want him to show me what he's got, I want him to go full swing, no holding back.

"I want you to mark me first." Lightly biting my shoulder.

I gazed at his eyes, they spoke the deep words that has never been spoken by his lips, the way he looked at me made me think that this means something different. I am going to mark him first.

"What difference does it make if you marked me first?" I asked confusedly.

He smiled softly as his finger played with the soft flesh of my neck, "It hasn't been done over centuries, but when a female wolf marks her mate first, it shows that she's the dominant, while the male is the submissive. It corners his manhood and makes him look weak in front of his pack." But the smile never left his delicious lips.

I palmed his cheek, "Why do you want me to mark you, if it will show your weakness?"

He rubbed his lips against mine, such a tease, "Because I want to show them your strength, we will never know when that will be revealed, but I want them to know that they have a strong Luna." He kissed my cheek, "And you are very strong."

My lips trembled, a tear wanting to escape from my eye, Hades rubbed his cheek gently on mine, "H-How do I mark you?"

He tilt his head.

I shrugged shyly, "I've been taught when I was young, but I forgot."

"We need to intercourse, then you'll have to mark me here." He pointed the part between his neck and shoulder.

My eyes widened, "In-Intercourse? You mean.. sex?" He nodded, a mischievous smirk played on his lips.

I am going to have sex with him...


We made love passionately, words cannot describe the pleasure and awe I felt for this man, it was remarkable. I love him. To the point where I know I couldn't live without him. That night we marked each other, he's mine now. Only mine.


I let out a whimper, "I love you." Shaking under him, my hands caressed every scar on his body as much as possible. Finally, he fell down beside me, pulling me closer, we ended our love making by silence and nature.

"I love you too." He whispered, bringing the back of my hand to his lips.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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