#23 Bittersweet ✔

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Jane's POV

My eyes kept glancing at the corpse at the corner of the room, just laying there like a rag doll.

Everyone had calmed down, not really, my heart was still pounding and I have already washed my hands, but I can still feel the dry blood under my nails.

"I-I'm sorry, can you tell someone to bury her?" I whispered, "a-and give her a proper funeral."

Kaden gave me a nod, but stepped closer to his mate, I glanced at them both, they were looking at me carefully.

"I'll leave now." I was interrupted by a wave of shock in my body, I stood up from the floor and glanced at my surroundings, my eyes snapped at Layla's widened ones.

"No Jane, please don't,"

What just happened?

My body moved on its own, I stepped closer to her and held her hand, she flinched but relaxed immediately, I noticed Kaden stiffens while Evangeline sat quietly next to her.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I felt light inside, like I was flying, all of a sudden, a heavy feeling settled in my heart, it made my brain pounds and my knees weaken.

I snapped my eyes open and let go of Layla's hand, the room went even more silent than before.

Then everything went black.


Day One




I could not talk, nor see anything but black, my weight felt light, flowing above the ground, I can hear voices; my heartbeat, the blood flowing through my veins, everything was loud, yet quiet at the same time, I tried to move, but my body disobeyed my mind's command.


"-tomorrow is okay-"

"-for how long is she gonna-"

Voices were heard but fade away quickly, I could not catch the owners of the voices, it echoed loudly in the dark, I felt my heart race slightly with fear.

Am I dying?

I heard my thoughts, it sounded calm, not really what I was currently feeling.

I want Hades, Where is he?

Panicked thoughts jumbled all around, feeling suffocated and restricted, I fought against all odds to move a limb, the more I try the more I felt like fading away, disappearing, drowning in oblivion.

Hades please come. Darling I need you.


A deep voice called, a feeling of excitment brushed my heart, a familiar voice that lullabied my panicked thoughts. Hades.

"-Alpha, I'm trying-"

I couldn't figure out what the healer was saying, the words sounded long and dragged. It was hard to understand.

"Healer, you were chosen for this position for a reason, I do not expect you to give me a miracle, but I did ask you to try your best. This is not your best."

His voice was fresh and clear; warning the healer. I was longing for his touch, craving it badly, desperately, the need made me want to cry, he was the only one who can make me feel alive. I want to feel alive.

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