#24 The Truth ✔

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Jane's POV

He stood up abruptly, took the wooden chair he was sitting on and smashed it on the wall.

"No! No! No!" He yelled, throwing mean curses.

I clutched the blue gown I was wearing, feeling completely afraid and helpless. What do I do?

I removed the pointy needles from my wrist carefully and got up, my hand reached out for his stiff shoulder, he tenses even more when I touched him, I can hear soft growl coming from his chest.

"Can you tell me your name first?" I asked nervously, hoping he wouldn't lash out on me.

"Hades." He growled.

I sighed in pleasure.


I gently turned him around, my palms cupped his cheeks and stroked it softly, "Well Hades, I'm sure we can work things out, right?" I asked, staring at him with hope.

He closed his eyes, sighing in defeat, "Yes." He mumbled.

I took his hand and led him to another chair, I sat down next to him and smiled softly, "How about we start from the beginning?"

"Which beginning?"

I giggled, "When we first met of course?"

His lips tugged upward a little, "When we first met?" I nodded, "Alright," he cleared his voice, "It was a year ago in the woods," He gazed at the wall, as if imagining the scenery happening in front of him, "I saw you running and I followed- I was intrigued, my wolf wouldn't shut up about you, when I caught you behind a tree, you were shaking with fear, as if you were running away from someone. We introduced ourselves, I took you in my pack, you talked a lot while we were walking-" He pursed his lips, "Long story short, we knew we were mates. We did the ceremony. You became the Luna."

I gulped, I'm a Luna

"The pack loved you, you and Evangeline and Layla were inseparable; you were the best of friends, and you became the mother of your pack, we lived happily ever after."

"Until this happened." I finished for him.

He shook his head, "No, not this, this is just a repetition of what happened the first time."


He sighed, "A pack member got terribly sick, you figured out something and cured the wolf, but you fainted and got into a short coma."

"How long was I in a coma?" I asked quietly.

"Three days." He answered straight, "I wasn't with you when you woke up, you freaked out and ran away, I guess you found the way back to your old pack and that was it." He glanced at me, "My pack looked everywhere for you, almost two months later, I found you. But you didn't seem to know me, so I played clueless too, I ordered my whole pack to re-act everything for you, but that didn't seem to bring back any of your memories."

I sighed sadly and grabbed his clinched fist, easing the pressure, "So what am I? How can I cure a wolf?"

He shrugged, "It appears you're gifted."

"So, if I cure someone again, would I forget everything again?"

He nodded, "That is what happened," He grabbed my hand and planted his eyes in mine, "But you won't do it again, I won't let you." He promised seriously.

I tried to speak but he interrupted me, "I tried keeping you in my place for as long as I could, but I failed that mission, the same day I let you out, you cured Layla and now you've forgotten everything," He growled, tightening his grip on my hands, "I won't let you out of my sight ever again, you will never leave without me." He determined.

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