#27 Business ✔

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Jane's POV

Where am I?

Let's say I have been questioning myself for the past half hour! I still can't figure out my location.

The room was dark, no widows could help me see my surroundings, but I knew I'm in the corner of a room. pulling my knees to my chest, I though about the many possibilities of what they might do to me.

Not pretty...

Why would Alpha Ryder kidnap me for this test? There must be more to it.

I guess I'll find out when they come.

Goddess being in this dark room makes me wonder if I'm asleep or not..

I felt my eyelids closing, thoughts drifted away, thinking about my future with Hades. My lovely mate.


Evangeline's POV

Ezra barged in the house, causing me to jump from my seat, "Goddess Ezra, couldn't you be more subtle?"

He smirked, "Did I scare you?"

I scoffed, "Shut up."

He shrugged, "Alright, I won't talk, but I'll be using my mouth for something else." He leaned his face closer to mine.

Cheesy bastard.

I smiled softly, "No thank you," I turned my head, "I'm watching Attack on Titans, so please." I pushed him gently.

He growled, "What's so good about this trash? It's all about giants eating humans."

I gasped, "How dare you say that?!" I stood up and sauntered towards the kitchen, "If you don't know anything about it, do not insult it! It's more than just giants eating humans." I mimicked his voice.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah right, that's all I've seen so far. And I saw most of the episodes with you. So I know it's all about-" he stopped, his eyes left mine immediately to focus on something.

Probably Hades mindlinking him.

I pulled out a watermelon juice from the fridge.

"Fuck!" He cursed, running towards the door.

I left the juice and followed him immediately, "Ezra! Hold on a sec! What's wrong?!"

He froze and turned to me quickly, he grabbed my cheeks and gave me an urgent kiss, "Angel I have to go, the Luna has been kidnapped." And he dashed towards his car.

Wait what?!

Before he could even think about opening the engine, I was placing my seatbelt on.


"Don't say a word. Drive." I spoke firmly.

He gulped and reversed the car.


Hades was pissed, that's all I could think of right now. The house wasn't trashed, and there wasn't any sign of insanity or panic. Everything was calm and silent.

He sat in his office chair completely still, hands intertwined on the desk, his face masked with a cold expression.

No one dared to speak for completely five minutes.

Hades finally glanced up, I held back a gasped when I saw his completely black pitch eyes, "Ezra, talk to the guards and let them write a report of the wolves who entered and left the pack for the past week." He mumbled.

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