#18 Satisfaction ✔

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Just so you know, she's in her heat.. so yeah, she's being annoying.

Jane's POV

Why did I tell him to leave? I need him!!

I sighed loudly, causing Evangeline to growl silently in her seat, her eyes glued to the TV, but she didn't comment.

I will endure the pain again this night.. I need Hades. I need my mate.

I sighed sadly, looking at Evangeline for a reaction, she closed her eyes momentarily, before looking back at the screen.

Oh what I would do to sleep on our bed with my mate next to me..

I sighed again, Evangeline groaned in frustration and jumped from her seat, "Girl this is getting annoying, let's do something hm?" She suggested.

I shrugged, "I do not want to tire myself anymore, I will face pain at night again, so no thank you."

"Then stop sighing!"

I glared at her, "Try putting yourself in my shoe and stay calm! You'll go crazy! I'm barely holding myself."

She sighed in defeat, "Fine, sorry," she doesn't seem sorry, "I never knew what it would be like to face a she-wolf during her heat. Now I can understand Ezra's frustration."

I stood up and walked towards the stairs, "I am going to sleep, wake me up for dinner."



Damn him! Damn him! Damn him!

I wanted to know who touched me, the more I think about it, the more guilty I feel. I know I couldn't control my body, and my hormones were everywhere, but I can't accept the fact that this man took advantage of my situation! Maybe it's the guilt that's making me dislike him, I really wanted to thank him and scold him at the same time.

If it wasn't for him, I don't think I would've slept for a minute.

Ugh why can't Hades mark me and feel my pain?!

I got off the bed and walked towards the window, I glanced at the trees, but I can also see the pack house. It was a beautiful view.

It would have been better if Hades was here.

Goddess I'm whining so much! But why can he just be here so I can stop annoying myself?

I gulped, "We can sneak out." I suggested to my wolf.

The idea seemed to excite her, I took a deep breath and shook my head.

Someone knocked on the door, I went to open it. A man with hazel eyes captured mine for a moment before I stepped back to look at him better.

"Um yes?" I asked nervously.

He smiled softly, his masculine body took a step forward, taking my hand in his and kissed my knuckles.

Oh my.. I tried to stop my fast beating heart, his hazel eyes bored in mine, his scent lured me, my mind filled with sinful thoughts. With just a look.

"Travis," he introduced, "and you must be the beauty I helped last night."

My mind snapped, "Oh, um yes. Thank you but you shouldn't have done that."

He furrowed his perfect eyebrows, "Why? Then you would have felt more pain throughout the whole night, you wouldn't have rested."

And my body surely enjoyed it..

I nodded, "I know, but I have already found my mate." I explained, ignoring the aching feeling in my core.

He is not the right man.

His eyes widened, "You have? I deeply apologize! I didn't know-"

"I know, I know. And he doesn't know that it was you. I'd rather keep it a secret, it is for the best."

He pursed his lips, and stayed silent, looking at me with sympathy, "And where is he?"

I blinked, looking at the wall, "He's busy."

He nodded, "I see."

I bit my lip, thinking about Hades. The sound of his moan kept me awake all day, I don't think I could nap with that voice ringing inside my head, I can even pleasure myself with his voice.

"How do you know Evangeline? Or are you a friend of Ezra?" He asked.

I smiled, "A friend of both."

He smiled back, "Well, I guess I'll see you at dinner." He spoke politely, walking away.

I closed the door and leaned against it. My fingers made their way past my pants line, and touched myself.

I sat down and started rubbing slowly, his moan caused pleasure to rumble inside me, I bit my lip to stop myself from making a sound.

I imagined his fingers playing with me instead of my own, laying on top of me, his eyes looking at mine with lust and desire.

My chest heaved and I started to let out few whimpers, I can still hear his growl, his nose against my neck, I imagined him licking my flesh.

My finger pressed harder and rubbed more roughly, I needed release, I need it now. But it never came.

I let out a deep breath, shutting my eyes tightly, and pulled my hand from my pants. The satisfaction will never come, only by the hands of my mate.


Ik ik short chapter, but the next will be long😊

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